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 gratefully ['greitfuli]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 感激地

  1. Qinghua gazed gratefully at her and stood at attention.
  2. She dropped gratefully into the chair.
  3. He accepted the money gratefully.

[ adv ]
  1. with appreciation; in a grateful manner

  2. <adv.all>
    he accepted my offer appreciatively
  3. in a thankful manner; with thanks

  4. <adv.all>
    he accepted thankfully my apologies

Grateful \Grate"ful\, a. [Grate, a. + full; cf. F. gr['e]
thanks, good will, fr. L. gratum, neut. of gratus agreeable,
grateful. See {Grate}, a.]
1. Having a due sense of benefits received; kindly disposed
toward one from whom a favor has been received; willing to
acknowledge and repay, or give thanks for, benefits; as, a
grateful heart.

A grateful mind
By owing, owes not, but still pays. --Milton.

2. Affording pleasure; pleasing to the senses; gratifying;
delicious; as, a grateful present; food grateful to the
palate; grateful sleep.

Now golden fruits on loaded branches shine,
And grateful clusters swell. --Pope.

Syn: Thankful; pleasing; acceptable; gratifying; agreeable;
welcome; delightful; delicious. -- {Grate"ful*ly}, adv.
-- {Grate"ful*ness}, n.

  1. Frozen offerings imported from farther flung seas may prove a better bet. Last week I bought a solid block of small, white squid and hacked my way gratefully through them.
  2. (Justinian acknowledges gratefully the forebearance of his readers.) Justinian's influence was more in the area of journalistic imitation.
  3. Any effort to help your readers navigate through the seas of financial information to ports of individual interest is gratefully appreciated.
  4. And Walter Hurd gratefully accepts cash from Catholic Social Services, though as a non-Catholic he says, "I feel guilty."
  5. "Please grant them their freedom and, should they wish to come to Israel, we will gratefully receive them into our community," said their petition.
  6. Mr Alistair Nicolson of Mayfair Entertainment, which has distributed The Hour of the Pig, Howards End and The Crying Game, said: 'Any help we can get from the European Commission is gratefully received.
  7. Soros has annual earnings as high as Sainsbury's profits, but gives half of them to charity, not all of which is gratefully received.
  8. Dern himself replies in his reedy voice, "Where've I been?" The 54-year-old actor has been gratefully reading the reviews for "After Dark, My Sweet," a hard-edged thriller based on a novel by the long-neglected pulp writer Jim Thompson.
  9. Puff Piece When it comes to flattery I'm never skeptical or peeved; All contributions to my ego Are gratefully received.
  10. I am very fragile, and even the grey colour of what I think were once white sheets is not enough to stop me falling gratefully to sleep.
  11. Mariyam Khachaturian gazed at it gratefully.
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