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 grant [grænt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 授予, 授予物, 允许

vt. 允许, 承认, 授与

[计] 授权命令

  1. I grant that your explanation is reasonable.
  2. He was granted his freedom on the condition that he leave the country.
  3. You can get a grant to improve your house.

[ noun ]
  1. any monetary aid

  2. <noun.possession>
  3. the act of providing a subsidy

  4. <noun.act>
  5. (law) a transfer of property by deed of conveyance

  6. <noun.possession>
  7. Scottish painter; cousin of Lytton Strachey and member of the Bloomsbury Group (1885-1978)

  8. <noun.person>
  9. United States actor (born in England) who was the elegant leading man in many films (1904-1986)

  10. <noun.person>
  11. 18th President of the United States; commander of the Union armies in the American Civil War (1822-1885)

  12. <noun.person>
  13. a contract granting the right to operate a subsidiary business

  14. <noun.communication>
    he got the beer concession at the ball park
  15. a right or privilege that has been granted

  16. <noun.attribute>
[ verb ]
  1. let have

  2. <verb.possession> allow
    grant permission
    Mandela was allowed few visitors in prison
  3. give as judged due or on the basis of merit

  4. <verb.possession>
    the referee awarded a free kick to the team
    the jury awarded a million dollars to the plaintiff
    Funds are granted to qualified researchers
  5. be willing to concede

  6. <verb.communication>
    concede yield
    I grant you this much
  7. allow to have

  8. <verb.possession>
    accord allot
    grant a privilege
  9. bestow, especially officially

  10. <verb.possession>
    grant a degree
    give a divorce
    This bill grants us new rights
  11. give over; surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another

  12. <verb.possession>
    cede concede yield
  13. transfer by deed

  14. <verb.possession>
    deed over
    grant land

Grant \Grant\ (gr[.a]nt), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Granted}; p. pr.
& vb. n. {Granting}.] [OE. graunten, granten, OF. graanter,
craanter, creanter, to promise, yield, LL. creantare to
promise, assure, for (assumed LL.) credentare to make
believe, fr. L. credens, p. pr. of credere to believe. See
{Creed}, {Credit}.]
1. To give over; to make conveyance of; to give the
possession or title of; to convey; -- usually in answer to

Grant me the place of this threshing floor. --1
Chron. xxi.

2. To bestow or confer, with or without compensation,
particularly in answer to prayer or request; to give.

Wherefore did God grant me my request. --Milton.

3. To admit as true what is not yet satisfactorily proved; to
yield belief to; to allow; to yield; to concede.

Grant that the Fates have firmed by their decree.

Syn: Syn.-- To give; confer; bestow; convey; transfer; admit;
allow; concede. See {Give}.

Grant \Grant\, v. i.
To assent; to consent. [Obs.] --Chaucer.

Grant \Grant\, n. [OE. grant, graunt, OF. graant, creant,
promise, assurance. See {Grant}, v. t.]
1. The act of granting; a bestowing or conferring;
concession; allowance; permission.

2. The yielding or admission of something in dispute.

3. The thing or property granted; a gift; a boon. Especially:
a sum of money given to an institution, group, or
individual for a specific purpose, such as for scientific
research; as, he got a million-dollar grant from the
National Institutes of Health to study cancer.

Note: Grants for research and other purposes are given
usually by government agencies, charitable foundations,
or industrial organizations.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

4. (Law) A transfer of property by deed or writing;
especially, an appropriation or conveyance made by the
government; as, a grant of land or of money; also, the
deed or writing by which the transfer is made.

Note: Formerly, in English law, the term was specifically
applied to transfers of incorporeal hereditaments,
expectant estates, and letters patent from government
and such is its present application in some of the
United States. But now, in England the usual mode of
transferring realty is by grant; and so, in some of the
United States, the term grant is applied to conveyances
of every kind of real property. --Bouvier. --Burrill.

  1. Only the president is authorized to grant Secret Service protection to non-presidential candidates.
  2. It is getting Pounds 500,000 from the Council, the largest grant to date, to make good its ambitious policy of new commissions.
  3. Jackson said Monday he could conceive of situations where he would grant safe passage to hostage-takers, saying "I choose negotiation over blind bloody confrontation."
  4. The grant of money to Tory party funds was confirmed to the Financial Times by a spokesman for Mr Fayed last week.
  5. The broadcasters, not wishing to offend those who grant the licenses, voluntarily tone down criticism of elected officials.
  6. The development bank is sending a technical aid mission to Jamaica and is expected to tap a special $80 million fund set up by Japan to provide an emergency grant to Jamaica.
  7. Lewis Grotke, NSF assistant general counsel, said the agency would consider the petition but is under no legal obligation to act. The agency, he said, has tried to develop a fair system to review grant applications.
  8. Georgia Power Co., a unit of Southern Co., Atlanta, said it will ask a Georgia state court to review the recent decision of state utility regulators to grant the company a rate increase substantially less than it requested.
  9. A state judge refused to grant an injunction Wednesday for parishioners hoping to keep open 14 Roman Catholic churches set to be closed in an effort to consolidate waning membership and finances.
  10. A 1972 Supreme Court ruling says the prosecution must derive all its evidence in a case from sources wholly independent of testimony a defendant gave under a grant of immunity.
  11. But at least four votes are required to grant such review.
  12. The Humor Project has received a grant from the Humana Hospital Corp. in Orlando, Fla., to focus on the medical implications and applications of humor.
  13. Schnelz said he may grant a suspended sentence because Streefkerk is penniless and terminally ill.
  14. The special Senate and House committees investigating the Iran-Contra scandal voted to grant limited immunity to three individuals who may provide more details about the affair.
  15. The ruling also is likely to put further pressure on the Fed to grant banks new investment-banking powers.
  16. Federal courts in the 9th federal circuit, including California, will not grant state officials remedies in the form of divestitures once mergers are completed, a policy that prompted Mr. Van de Kamp to sue under state law in the Texaco case.
  17. The United States is contributing a $200 million grant to the stabilization fund, intended to help put Poland's currency on a sound footing.
  18. Last week, West declined to grant a similar temporary restraining order sought by the Times Herald, citing an order by U.S. District Judge D. Brook Bartlett that nothing be done to infringe the federal judge's jurisdiction.
  19. The local school district won a three-year, $620,000 National Science Foundation grant to train intensively one teacher in each of the neighborhood's 30 elementary schools in the latest techniques in science education.
  20. He said the United States had refused to grant Stroessner a temporary visa to receive treatment.
  21. 'It is a very tough market for the self-employed.' Some types of lending are no longer obtainable - including 'non-status' loans, where lenders were prepared to grant up to 65 per cent of a home's cost without references.
  22. The amount of Pell grant aid awarded to students actually rose nearly 57 percent from 1980 to 1988, or 17 percent taking inflation into account, according to The College Board, a New York-based lobbying group.
  23. The nation's swing toward democracy is seen as increasing the chances the United States will grant most-favored-nation trade status to the Soviet Union, which could lead to bigger grain deals with the United States.
  24. The shrunken county council might therefore suffer a disproportionately sharp reduction in grant. Lancashire: Eight unitary authorities are the commission's preferred choice for Lancashire, but local people can opt instead for six or seven.
  25. In the past, its meetings have been open to the public except for sessions devoted to reviewing grant applications recommended by the NEA's panels of outside arts experts on theater, dance, music and other disciplines.
  26. The new guidelines also grant three-year residency permits in exchange for the purchase of 10-year, nonredeemable, nontransferable Finance Ministry bonds.
  27. In the absence of a purchase agreement and with no pending bids Wednesday, Dicello said officials would begin shutting down D&H if the ICC did not grant a reprieve.
  28. In 1987, the congressional Iran-Contra committees voted to grant limited immunity to former National Security Council aide Oliver North, following an appeal by independent counsel Lawrence Walsh to reject immunity.
  29. To ease its progress the Arts Council more than doubled its grant to an impressive Pounds 1.12m. this year.
  30. In Charlotte and neighboring Mecklenburg County, N.C., the grant will go toward a major endowment fund and a multi-agency program to enhiance arts education in local schools.
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