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 got [gɑt]   添加此单词到默认生词本

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  1. Have you got that?
  2. He got a small quotient of his father's property.
  3. Jack's got two complimentary tickets for the Cup Final, so guess where we're going next Saturday!

Get \Get\ (g[e^]t), v. t. [imp. {Got} (g[o^]t) (Obs. {Gat}
(g[a^]t)); p. p. {Got} (Obsolescent {Gotten} (g[o^]t"t'n));
p. pr. & vb. n. {Getting}.] [OE. geten, AS. gitan, gietan (in
comp.); akin to Icel. geta, Goth. bigitan to find, L.
prehendere to seize, take, Gr. chanda`nein to hold, contain.
Cf. {Comprehend}, {Enterprise}, {Forget}, {Impregnable},
1. To procure; to obtain; to gain possession of; to acquire;
to earn; to obtain as a price or reward; to come by; to
win, by almost any means; as, to get favor by kindness; to
get wealth by industry and economy; to get land by
purchase, etc.

2. Hence, with have and had, to come into or be in possession
of; to have. --Johnson.

Thou hast got the face of man. --Herbert.

3. To beget; to procreate; to generate.

I had rather to adopt a child than get it. --Shak.

4. To obtain mental possession of; to learn; to commit to
memory; to memorize; as to get a lesson; also with out;
as, to get out one's Greek lesson.

It being harder with him to get one sermon by heart,
than to pen twenty. --Bp. Fell.

5. To prevail on; to induce; to persuade.

Get him to say his prayers. --Shak.

6. To procure to be, or to cause to be in any state or
condition; -- with a following participle.

Those things I bid you do; get them dispatched.

7. To betake; to remove; -- in a reflexive use.

Get thee out from this land. --Gen. xxxi.

He . . . got himself . . . to the strong town of
Mega. --Knolles.

Note: Get, as a transitive verb, is combined with adverbs
implying motion, to express the causing to, or the
effecting in, the object of the verb, of the kind of
motion indicated by the preposition; thus, to get in,
to cause to enter, to bring under shelter; as, to get
in the hay; to get out, to make come forth, to extract;
to get off, to take off, to remove; to get together, to
cause to come together, to collect.

{To get by heart}, to commit to memory.

{To get the better of}, {To get the best of}, to obtain an
advantage over; to surpass; to subdue.

{To get up}, to cause to be established or to exit; to
prepare; to arrange; to construct; to invent; as, to get
up a celebration, a machine, a book, an agitation.

Syn: To obtain; gain; win; acquire. See {Obtain}.

Get \Get\ (g[e^]t), v. t. [imp. {Got} (g[o^]t) (Obs. {Gat}
(g[a^]t)); p. p. {Got} (Obsolescent {Gotten} (g[o^]t"t'n));
p. pr. & vb. n. {Getting}.] [OE. geten, AS. gitan, gietan (in
comp.); akin to Icel. geta, Goth. bigitan to find, L.
prehendere to seize, take, Gr. chanda`nein to hold, contain.
Cf. {Comprehend}, {Enterprise}, {Forget}, {Impregnable},
1. To procure; to obtain; to gain possession of; to acquire;
to earn; to obtain as a price or reward; to come by; to
win, by almost any means; as, to get favor by kindness; to
get wealth by industry and economy; to get land by
purchase, etc.

2. Hence, with have and had, to come into or be in possession
of; to have. --Johnson.

Thou hast got the face of man. --Herbert.

3. To beget; to procreate; to generate.

I had rather to adopt a child than get it. --Shak.

4. To obtain mental possession of; to learn; to commit to
memory; to memorize; as to get a lesson; also with out;
as, to get out one's Greek lesson.

It being harder with him to get one sermon by heart,
than to pen twenty. --Bp. Fell.

5. To prevail on; to induce; to persuade.

Get him to say his prayers. --Shak.

6. To procure to be, or to cause to be in any state or
condition; -- with a following participle.

Those things I bid you do; get them dispatched.

7. To betake; to remove; -- in a reflexive use.

Get thee out from this land. --Gen. xxxi.

He . . . got himself . . . to the strong town of
Mega. --Knolles.

Note: Get, as a transitive verb, is combined with adverbs
implying motion, to express the causing to, or the
effecting in, the object of the verb, of the kind of
motion indicated by the preposition; thus, to get in,
to cause to enter, to bring under shelter; as, to get
in the hay; to get out, to make come forth, to extract;
to get off, to take off, to remove; to get together, to
cause to come together, to collect.

{To get by heart}, to commit to memory.

{To get the better of}, {To get the best of}, to obtain an
advantage over; to surpass; to subdue.

{To get up}, to cause to be established or to exit; to
prepare; to arrange; to construct; to invent; as, to get
up a celebration, a machine, a book, an agitation.

Syn: To obtain; gain; win; acquire. See {Obtain}.

Got \Got\,
imp. & p. p. of {Get}. See {Get}.

  1. "We're dealing with an owner who couldn't give a rip. They cut off her mail and she got a post office box." Starting Friday, an animal-control officer is accompanying Finster on his route.
  2. He said Muscovites, who gave him 89 percent of the vote in a two-way race in March, would be "partially satisfied." On the march to Pushkin Square, a city bus stopped, and dozens of passengers got off to join in.
  3. It's got a large and unwieldy cast, with a confusing setup of part-time hosts (Mr. Garagiola, for example, is just on Tuesdays to Thursdays) and none of them are what the show really needs.
  4. Of the 77 who received amphotericin B, 13 got the infection again, NIAID said.
  5. "That's not the issue," he said. "I got enough votes to become the president.
  6. She thanked her family, especially her husband Emilio, "who waited until we got to the hospital before he fainted, and my son Nayib, who held my hand while we waited for the ambulances.
  7. He got the money for those and for 30,000 new drug-treatment spaces.
  8. And after a blast of unseasonably cold weather, the hard edges of ice sculptures decorating Boston as part of its 14th annual First Night festivities got rounded off Sunday under an untimely drizzle.
  9. Dixons Group (Capital) PLC, also got strong response to its debut issue in the international capital markets.
  10. But when interferon, a protein touted as a cure-all, proved useful against only one or two rare cancers, some companies got caught in the downdraft of waning investor support.
  11. State GOP Chairman Michael Vallante came out with the Republican T-shirt on Monday, but he says he had the idea all along but just got sidetracked about getting the shirts made up.
  12. In this way, the long, global tradition of Hispanic culture can give inner-city Hispanic students a historically accurate sense of how they got where they are.
  13. "If we're ever going to advance the sport, we've got to stop acting like criminals," he says.
  14. Koch, noting that Dukakis has slipped in the polls since the Republican convention, said Tuesday, "We've got to get that surge back.
  15. "This thing got to me emotionally," the judge said later. "I had to adjourn court for a while." He returned to the bench and ordered the clerk's office to prepare citizenship certificates. "They were up here in 10 minutes," Rubin said.
  16. Here's a guy whose got to have doubts given the fact that one of his close supporters tried to run a coup on him.
  17. Police who scrambled to find a gunman after a flood of callers reported gunshots got their man _ but it turned out to be a car.
  18. Hughes Aircraft Co., a unit of General Motors Corp., got a $29.4 million Army contract for the position-location reporting system.
  19. Like most Moscow intellectuals, he already has got used to the idea that just about anything non-pornographic that isn't an outright attack on established order can be safely printed in this country now.
  20. Right now, I've got my feet up on the ottoman, and my remote control set to zap.
  21. The unrest involving the Solidarity trade union in Poland got its start when meat prices were raised, but the Soviet population is generally less volatile.
  22. You've got competition around the world." Japan's occupation of China in World War II has left "real scars" even a half-century later, Lord said.
  23. In the early 1980s, Mr. Whitfield was managing Apple Computer Co.'s Macintosh ad campaign and saw firsthand the enormous sums spent on ads that got shelved after a few months.
  24. We've got a sincere problem." There have been other financial crises that forced cutbacks.
  25. Niederberger, who got off the train half an hour earlier and called the transit authority to report the driver, said his warnings were handled too slowly to prevent the accident.
  26. After she was shot, LeRoy Frederick ran to a highway, and got the attention of a truck driver, who called police.
  27. As a result, Paramount never got the chance to take its offer directly to Time's stockholders.
  28. We've got an emergency," said Perry Rivkind, district director of the Immigration and Naturalization Service.
  29. Mrs. Johnson got to salvage what was left of her reputation in peace.
  30. During the past week, police received anonymous tips that "buyers were being solicited abroad," Wilting said. "We got hard evidence of that early this week, and that's when we decided to act."
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