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 gleeful ['gli:ful]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 愉快的

  1. I'm gleeful to hear of the progress of you work.
  2. Mr. Smith was gleeful over the achievement they had made.
  3. Many in this second camp, who have despaired of Mr Yushchenko's indecisiveness, were gleeful over the dissolution.

[ adj ]
full of high-spirited delight
a joyful heart

Gleeful \Glee"ful\, a.
Merry; gay; joyous. --Shak.

  1. Mr. Bilzerian was gleeful over the experience, acquaintances say.
  2. The Bush camp's reaction to Dukakis' action was swift _ and a bit gleeful.
  3. Right-wing Tories who bear a grudge over his destruction of Mrs Margaret Thatcher's premiership are gleeful about his inability to match the words with deeds.
  4. For a while, many Western analysts have been almost gleeful in watching the decline of the Tokyo stock market that began early this year.
  5. The elaborate fanfare that preceded this week's announcement, the president's East Room address itself and the gleeful calculations of Republican strategists all underscore the potential political value of the president's drive.
  6. Fox was gleeful ab spy chief Zvi Zamir and is only empowered to make recommendations.
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