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 gingerbread ['dʒindʒәbred]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 姜饼, 俗艳的装饰

a. 俗艳的, 华而不实的

  1. He bought us some gingerbread works as present when he returned from the beach.
  2. One of my colleagues likes to eat gingerbread nut.
  3. One of my colleagues likes to eat gingerbread nut.

[ noun ]
cake flavored with ginger

Gingerbread \Gin"ger*bread`\, n.
A kind of plain sweet cake seasoned with ginger, and
sometimes made in fanciful shapes. ``Gingerbread that was
full fine.'' --Chaucer.

{Gingerbread tree} (Bot.), the doom palm; -- so called from
the resemblance of its fruit to gingerbread. See {Doom

{Gingerbread work}, ornamentation, in architecture or
decoration, of a fantastic, trivial, or tawdry character.

  1. But she got her first glimpse of White House Executive Chef Hans Raffert's gingerbread house, dressed up as the witch's cottage from Hansel and Gretel.
  2. The bed's headboard was a cutaway gingerbread house.
  3. It is a little like drinking liquid gingerbread.
  4. In the museum's concourse, a fantasy Lionel train layout - including a car with a tiny camera that broadcasts an "engineer's eye view" - will make its way through a gingerbread village.
  5. And what looks from the distance like white, high-tech, gingerbread awning, turns out to be part of a sophisticated roof system extending through the museum.
  6. Several months later he drove by the site, and Bob Hover fell in love with the Dunn Homestead, a late Victorian clapboard house with gingerbread trim.
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