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 gibberellic acid 添加此单词到默认生词本
【化】 赤霉酸

    gibberellic acid
    [ noun ]
    a crystalline acid associated with gibberellin

    gibberellic acid \gibberellic acid\ n. (Chem.),
    A plant growth hormone of the gibberellin series
    ({C19H22O6}), also called {gibberellin A3}. It was first
    isolated from the fungus {Gibberella fujikuroi}. It is used
    to promote the growth of seedlings. See also {gibberellin}.

    gibberellin \gibberellin\ n. (Chem.),
    Any of a number plant growth hormones, the first of which was
    isolated in 1938 from the fungus {Gibberella fujikuroi}; more
    than 60 related gibberelins are known. The most important is
    {gibberellin A3}, also called {gibberellic acid}. They are
    used in agriculture for promoting plant growth.
    [WordNet 1.5 +PJC]

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