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 garnishee [,gɑ:ni'ʃi:]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 第三债务人

vt. 下达扣押令, 扣押

[经] 第三债务人

  1. Garnishee a debtor's wages.
  2. The office was given a$48 million budget, the right to garnishee bank accounts, seize lottery winnings, suspend driver's licences, use private collection agencies for the worst cases and take defaulting parents to court.

[ noun ]
  1. a wage earner who is served with a garnishment

  2. <noun.person>
[ verb ]
  1. take a debtor's wages on legal orders, such as for child support

  2. <verb.possession> garnish
    His employer garnished his wages in order to pay his debt

Garnishee \Gar`nish*ee"\, n. (Law)
One who is garnished; a person upon whom garnishment has been
served in a suit by a creditor against a debtor, such person
holding property belonging to the debtor, or owing him money.

Note: The order by which warning is made is called a
garnishee order.

Garnishee \Gar`nish*ee"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Garnisheed}
(-[=e]d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Garnisheeing}.] (Law)
(a) To make (a person) a garnishee; to warn by garnishment;
to garnish.
(b) To attach (the fund or property sought to be secured by
garnishment); to trustee.

  1. She also said she is concerned about the method that would be used to garnishee Social Security checks.
  2. Under new rules, the government can pursue defaulters nationwide without transferring cases to another judicial district; can freeze real estate and other assets until a case is completed; and can more easily garnishee wages.
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