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 gallows frame 添加此单词到默认生词本

    Gallows \Gal"lows\, n. sing.; pl. {Gallowses}or {Gallows}. [OE.
    galwes, pl., AS. galga, gealga, gallows, cross; akin to D.
    galg gallows, OS. & OHG. galgo, G. galgen, Icel. g[=a]lgi,
    Sw. & Dan. galge, Goth. galga a cross. Etymologically and
    historically considered, gallows is a noun in the plural
    number, but it is used as a singular, and hence is preceded
    by a; as, a gallows.]
    1. A frame from which is suspended the rope with which
    criminals are executed by hanging, usually consisting of
    two upright posts and a crossbeam on the top; also, a like
    frame for suspending anything.

    So they hanged Haman on the gallows. --Esther vii.

    If I hang, I'll make a fat pair of gallows. --Shak.

    O, there were desolation of gaolers and gallowses!

    2. A wretch who deserves the gallows. [R.] --Shak.

    3. (Print.) The rest for the tympan when raised.

    4. pl. A pair of suspenders or braces. [Colloq.]

    {Gallows bird}, a person who deserves the gallows. [Colloq.]

    {Gallows bitts} (Naut.), one of two or more frames amidships
    on deck for supporting spare spars; -- called also
    {gallows}, {gallows top}, {gallows frame}, etc.

    {Gallows frame}.
    (a) The frame supporting the beam of an engine.
    (b) (Naut.) Gallows bitts.

    {Gallows tree}, or

    {Gallow tree}, the gallows.

    At length him nail['e]d on a gallow tree. --Spenser.

    Gallows \Gal"lows\, n. sing.; pl. {Gallowses}or {Gallows}. [OE.
    galwes, pl., AS. galga, gealga, gallows, cross; akin to D.
    galg gallows, OS. & OHG. galgo, G. galgen, Icel. g[=a]lgi,
    Sw. & Dan. galge, Goth. galga a cross. Etymologically and
    historically considered, gallows is a noun in the plural
    number, but it is used as a singular, and hence is preceded
    by a; as, a gallows.]
    1. A frame from which is suspended the rope with which
    criminals are executed by hanging, usually consisting of
    two upright posts and a crossbeam on the top; also, a like
    frame for suspending anything.

    So they hanged Haman on the gallows. --Esther vii.

    If I hang, I'll make a fat pair of gallows. --Shak.

    O, there were desolation of gaolers and gallowses!

    2. A wretch who deserves the gallows. [R.] --Shak.

    3. (Print.) The rest for the tympan when raised.

    4. pl. A pair of suspenders or braces. [Colloq.]

    {Gallows bird}, a person who deserves the gallows. [Colloq.]

    {Gallows bitts} (Naut.), one of two or more frames amidships
    on deck for supporting spare spars; -- called also
    {gallows}, {gallows top}, {gallows frame}, etc.

    {Gallows frame}.
    (a) The frame supporting the beam of an engine.
    (b) (Naut.) Gallows bitts.

    {Gallows tree}, or

    {Gallow tree}, the gallows.

    At length him nail['e]d on a gallow tree. --Spenser.

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