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 galactin [gə'læktin]   添加此单词到默认生词本
[化] 催乳激素

[医] 催乳激素

    Galactin \Ga*lac"tin\, n. [Gr. ?, ?, milk. Cf. {Lactin}.]
    (a) An amorphous, gelatinous substance containing
    nitrogen, found in milk and other animal fluids. It
    resembles peptone, and is variously regarded as a
    coagulating or emulsifying agent.
    (b) A white waxy substance found in the sap of the South
    American cow tree ({Galactodendron}).
    (c) An amorphous, gummy carbohydrate resembling gelose,
    found in the seeds of leguminous plants, and yielding
    on decomposition several sugars, including galactose.

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