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 futhorc   添加此单词到默认生词本

    Futhorc \Fu"thorc\ Futhork \Fu"thork\, n. [Written also
    {futharc}, {futhark}.]
    The Runic alphabet; -- so called from the first six letters
    f, u, [thorn] (th), o (or a), r, c (=k). See {futharc}. [Also
    spelled {futharc} and {futhorc}.]

    The letters are called Runes and the alphabet bears the
    name Futhorc from the first six letters. --I. Taylor.

    Note: The spelling futharc represents most accurately the
    original values of these six Runic letters.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    Futhorc \Fu"thorc\ Futhork \Fu"thork\, n. [Written also
    {futharc}, {futhark}.]
    The Runic alphabet; -- so called from the first six letters
    f, u, [thorn] (th), o (or a), r, c (=k). See {futharc}. [Also
    spelled {futharc} and {futhorc}.]

    The letters are called Runes and the alphabet bears the
    name Futhorc from the first six letters. --I. Taylor.

    Note: The spelling futharc represents most accurately the
    original values of these six Runic letters.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    futharc \futharc\ futhorc \futhorc\n.
    1. [From the sounds of the first five letters.] the name for
    the runic alphabet. See {rune}. [Also spelled {futhork} or

    Note: The name is derived from the sounds of the first five
    letters of the runic alphabet, f, u, th, o, r, and c.
    The vowel sound of the fourth letter corresponded more
    closely to a in the earlier versions used in
    Scandinavian countries, and the earlier alphabet is
    therefore referred to as the futharc or futhark. The
    fifth rune had a sound like that of k, and in the
    Danish futhark the fifth character is that
    transliterated as k. Thus the runic alphabet is also
    called the futhork or futhark. The third rune had a
    sound and form resembling that of the Anglo-Saxon
    thorn, which represented the th sound at the beginning
    of the word thorn. The origins of the runic alphabet
    are obscure, but the earliest forms may have been
    invented around the second century A.D. in eastern
    Europe. The forms of some of the letters show a
    relation to the Latin or Greek alphabets, and the
    futhorc was presumably in part an adaptation of those
    alphabets to the sound of the Germanic tongues. An
    inscription of the futhark itself, an ordered list of
    the runes, was found on an object dated as early as the
    fifth century A.D. The Scandinavian futharc had 16
    runes, but the futhorc used in Anglo-Saxon England had
    31. The futhark was mostly used for writing on wood,
    for which reason the runes were comprised of only
    vertical and diagonal strokes. The degree of widespread
    use of the futharc is not known but it was probably
    used mostly for short messages or inscriptions on
    objects. Fewer than 10,000 runic inscriptions, both on
    wood and stone, have been found. The number and forms
    of some of the runes varied over time and locality.
    --R. I. Page, ``Runes''.

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