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 fronting 添加此单词到默认生词本
v. 面对;位于…的前面;以舌前位发音(front的ing形式)

  1. Hence Eric fronting numerous Nike advertising campaigns, even long after his retirement.
  2. Not long ago the town hired his company to treat an epidemic of dead lawns fronting its more than 1,100 foreclosed homes.
  3. They need to keep feeding Yao until the Suns take a timeout, figure it out and start fronting him with a double team again.

Front \Front\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Fronted}; p. pr. & vb. n.
1. To oppose face to face; to oppose directly; to meet in a
hostile manner.

You four shall front them in the narrow lane.

2. To appear before; to meet.

[Enid] daily fronted him
In some fresh splendor. --Tennyson.

3. To face toward; to have the front toward; to confront; as,
the house fronts the street.

And then suddenly front the changed reality. --J.

4. To stand opposed or opposite to, or over against as, his
house fronts the church.

5. To adorn in front; to supply a front to; as, to front a
house with marble; to front a head with laurel.

Yonder walls, that pertly front your town. --Shak.

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