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 freezing machine 添加此单词到默认生词本
[机] 冷冻机

  1. Since its foundation, the factory has set up a series of strict systems of management and adopted, we have been producing many new products in our factory which is as wide as38000 freezing warehouses, exhibiting Meat slice

Freezing \Freez"ing\, a.
Tending to freeze; for freezing; hence, cold or distant in
manner. -- {Frrez"ing*ly}, adv.

{Freezing machine}. See {Ice machine}, under {Ice}.

{Freezing mixture}, a mixture (of salt and snow or of
chemical salts) for producing intense cold.

{Freezing point}, that degree of a thermometer at which a
fluid begins to freeze; -- applied particularly to water,
whose freezing point is at 32[deg] Fahr., and at 0[deg]

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