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 fratricide ['fretrə`saɪd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 兄弟杀害的行为, 杀害兄弟者

[法] 杀害兄弟者, 杀害兄弟的行为

    [ noun ]
    1. a person who murders their brother or sister

    2. <noun.person>
    3. fire that injures or kills an ally

    4. <noun.act>
    5. the murder of your sibling

    6. <noun.act>

    Fratricide \Frat"ri*cide\, n. [L. fratricidium a brother's
    murder, fr. fratricida a brother's murderer; frater, fratris,
    brother + caedere to kill: cf. F. fratricide.]
    1. The act of one who murders or kills his own brother.

    2. [L. fratricida: cf. F. fratricide.] One who murders or
    kills his own brother.

    1. But until you do, don't allow fratricide to persuade you that there is something inherently wrong with your fighting men.
    2. "What we're into here is a form of fratricide," said Oliver Heard Jr., who represented 38-lawyer Foster Lewis in settlement negotiations.
    3. The Mondavis, Robert and Peter, could be the warring Cain and Abel without the fratricide.
    4. "We are about to commit political fratricide and not have any political power in this town anymore," said attorney Lewis Myer Jr., who was the keynote speaker for Saturday's meeting.
    5. Some Republicans worry that party fratricide will make the GOP look as divided as the Vietnam-era Democrats.
    6. The plan, which was out-and-out fratricide, would have meant the end of the NEA and subsequently was withdrawn.
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