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 fountain shell 添加此单词到默认生词本

    Fountain \Foun"tain\ (foun"t[i^]n), n. [F. fontaine, LL.
    fontana, fr. L. fons, fontis. See 2d {Fount}.]
    1. A spring of water issuing from the earth.

    2. An artificially produced jet or stream of water; also, the
    structure or works in which such a jet or stream rises or
    flows; a basin built and constantly supplied with pure
    water for drinking and other useful purposes, or for

    3. A reservoir or chamber to contain a liquid which can be
    conducted or drawn off as needed for use; as, the ink
    fountain in a printing press, etc.

    4. The source from which anything proceeds, or from which
    anything is supplied continuously; origin; source.

    Judea, the fountain of the gospel. --Fuller.

    Author of all being,
    Fountain of light, thyself invisible. --Milton.

    {Air fountain}. See under {Air}.

    {Fountain heead}, primary source; original; first principle.

    {Fountain inkstand}, an inkstand having a continual supply of
    ink, as from elevated reservoir.

    {Fountain lamp}, a lamp fed with oil from an elevated

    {Fountain pen}, a pen with a reservoir in the handle which
    furnishes a supply of ink.

    {Fountain pump}.
    (a) A structure for a fountain, having the form of a pump.
    (b) A portable garden pump which throws a jet, for
    watering plants, etc.

    {Fountain shell} (Zo["o]l.), the large West Indian conch
    shell ({Strombus gigas}).

    {Fountain of youth}, a mythical fountain whose waters were
    fabled to have the property of renewing youth.

    Tridacna \Tri*dac"na\, n. [L., pl., a kind of oysters, fr. Gr. ?
    eaten at three bites, ? tri- + ? to bite.] (Zo["o]l.)
    A genus of very large marine bivalve shells found on the
    coral reefs of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. One species
    ({Tridacna gigas}) often weighs four or five hundred pounds,
    and is sometimes used for baptismal fonts. Called also {paw
    shell}, and {fountain shell}.

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