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 forex 添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. Experience of online forex trading a plus.
  2. The Forex or Stocks trading is a risky business.
  3. Its main functions were to monitor and advise on balance-of-payments and forex matters.

  1. During the summer, Mr. Maxwell began betting, and losing, ever larger sums on the "forex" market.
  2. While there are some decent excuses for the failure to pick up the unauthorised forex dealings, a little public abasement goes a long way towards drawing the sting of tabloid criticism.
  3. In Mr Crane's words, forex chartists aim to show where the risk or profit on a particular currency lies within a given period, and where the market is at that particular time. 'The market is a big playing field,' he says.
  4. Other hard-currency costs were pared to the point where, today, the airline's foreign currency earnings exceed forex costs. Management found it could provide 110 per cent of previous volumes with 60 per cent of aircraft capacity.
  5. In the 1970s, before foreign exchange controls were abolished, there was a heavy trade in retired Bank of England officials who knew their way around the forex markets.
  6. It must have encouraged the bank to become one of the big time players in the forex market.' One of the ironies of recent events is that Bank Negara has recently been battling to drive speculators out of the Malaysian dollar market.
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