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 forest ['fɔrɪst]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 森林, 林区

vt. 植树于

[法] 森林地带, 森林, 皇室狩猎的御林

  1. He lost his way in the forest.
  2. The combustion in the forest generated great damage.
  3. A thick forest girdled the castle about.

[ noun ]
  1. the trees and other plants in a large densely wooded area

  2. <noun.group>
  3. land that is covered with trees and shrubs

  4. <noun.object>
[ verb ]
  1. establish a forest on previously unforested land

  2. <verb.contact> afforest
    afforest the mountains

Forest \For"est\, n. [OF. forest, F. for[^e]t, LL. forestis,
also, forestus, forestum, foresta, prop., open ground
reserved for the chase, fr. L. foris, foras, out of doors,
abroad. See {Foreign}.]
1. An extensive wood; a large tract of land covered with
trees; in the United States, a wood of native growth, or a
tract of woodland which has never been cultivated.

2. (Eng. Law) A large extent or precinct of country,
generally waste and woody, belonging to the sovereign, set
apart for the keeping of game for his use, not inclosed,
but distinguished by certain limits, and protected by
certain laws, courts, and officers of its own. --Burrill.

Forest \For"est\, a.
Of or pertaining to a forest; sylvan.

{Forest fly}. (Zo["o]l.)
(a) One of numerous species of blood-sucking flies, of the
family {Tabanid[ae]}, which attack both men and beasts.
See {Horse fly}.
(b) A fly of the genus {Hippobosca}, esp. {H. equina}. See
{Horse tick}.

{Forest glade}, a grassy space in a forest. --Thomson.

{Forest laws}, laws for the protection of game, preservation
of timber, etc., in forests.

{Forest tree}, a tree of the forest, especially a timber
tree, as distinguished from a {fruit tree}.

Forest \For"est\, v. t.
To cover with trees or wood.

  1. It intends to collect more, for the satellite mapping of the forest zone and for conservation programs where the remaining forest is thickest.
  2. It intends to collect more, for the satellite mapping of the forest zone and for conservation programs where the remaining forest is thickest.
  3. "What worries forest products companies most is that what happened there will happen in other parts of the country for other species," he says.
  4. The first group of the 3- and 4-month-old birds are scheduled to spend several weeks in mesh enclosures in the forest 75 miles northeast of Los Angeles.
  5. Elsewhere, firefighters in the Bridger-Teton National Forest in Wyoming contained the last major fire burning in the forest, the 200-acre "Pocket" fire, beating a storm front expected to reach the area later today with high wind.
  6. The particles can come from such sources as forest fires and volcanic eruptions.
  7. At Porterville, 18 Earth First! members handed out fliers that accused the Forest Service of degrading the land with timber-cutting and forest roads.
  8. A foundation poster shows a map of Brazil with an outline of the Atlantic forest as it existed in 1500, with the words, in Portuguese, "I Used to Be Like This."
  9. Three dogs who accompanied a 3-year-old boy on a "pretend" fishing trip probably saved the child's life when he was lost in a forest for two days and nights, an emergency room physician said.
  10. Craig Bertolett, 28, of Jacksonville, took off from Cecil Field and was dropping dummy bombs at the Pine Castle electronic warfare bombing range in the forest when he ejected, Byers said.
  11. Using a series of 40 hidden cameras, researchers have found a larger population of grizzly bears than previously believed inhabiting a section of national forest in northwestern Montana.
  12. If the proposal is accepted, it would for the first time allow legislative protection of the Pacific Northwest's most significant stands of old-growth forest, which range from 200 to 1,000 years old.
  13. The Beaver fire, named for a village on the Yukon River, remained Alaska's largest; on Sunday it was burning a 10-by-48-mile section of spruce forest, said Hogervorst-Rukke.
  14. QUEBECOR, the holding company for the Peladeau family's publishing, printing and forest products empire, unveiled third-quarter profit of CDollars 16.1m (Dollars 12.9m) or 27 cents a share, up from CDollars 6.1m or 13 cents a year earlier.
  15. "We may hand out tickets, or we may bring a paddy wagon up there and haul them away," Norbert Boe, acting forest supervisor of the Shawnee National Forest, said Sunday.
  16. Christofferson, then a town councilman, recalled that nobody had thought about celebrating the centennial before a local forest service official noted the 100th anniversary was fast approaching.
  17. Officials at the $26 million African tropical forest exhibit said they wanted to establish that the zoo's gorillas would be unable to reach the peak of the cliffs and thereby gain access to the public area of the innovative animal display.
  18. She said she looked out the nearby window and found herself "in the middle of a pine forest."
  19. Ranchers and farmers burn off large tracts of the rain forest to clear land for planting and grazing.
  20. Agriculture Minister Stavros Dimas said Friday that 25 percent of the fires that have destroyed 50,000 acres of forest in 10 days were started by arsonists.
  21. A forest of satellite dishes surrounded a plaque that commemorated the epochal three-day concert that attracted some 400,000 spectators.
  22. Bryant introduced legislation to prohibit clear-cutting in any national forest in which one-tenth of the acreage of available commercial timberland has already been harvested by clear-cutting. Many national forests would be affected, he said.
  23. About 50 people who were forced from their homes by a forest fire on the outskirts of Kalispell, Mont., were allowed to return Saturday after crews managed to get a line around the 120-acre blaze.
  24. Murkowski said the government is not losing money on Tongass timber sales and expanded wilderness areas in the forest are not needed.
  25. Others are forest areas that permit low-density residential and commercial development.
  26. We call for the adoption of sustainable forest management practices, with a view to preserving the scale of world forests.
  27. "It would have set a very serious precedent," Scott said, contending that private owners would have made similar requests if the forest service had prevailed.
  28. By law, 25 percent of the revenues collected by the Forest Service for the sale of timber and other use of national forest resources must be returned to the states where the forests are located.
  29. Environmentalists are critical of the proposal because it would set minimum timber harvest levels that they argue are too high to protect the future of the old-growth forest ecosystems.
  30. It was about 60 percent contained Sunday after having burned at least 3,477 acres in five days, according to forest spokesman Ed Christian.
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