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 floss [flɔs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 丝棉, 乱丝

  1. This kind of floss is used for embroidery.
  2. This kind of floss is used for embroidery.
  3. Floss, save, exercise, meditate, say thank you, smile.

[ noun ]
  1. a soft loosely twisted thread used in embroidery

  2. <noun.artifact>
  3. a soft thread for cleaning the spaces between the teeth

  4. <noun.artifact>
[ verb ]
  1. use dental floss to clean

  2. <verb.body>
    floss your teeth after every meal

Floss \Floss\ (?; 195), n. [It. floscio flabby, soft, fr. L.
fluxus flowing, loose, slack. See {Flux}, n.]
1. (Bot.) The slender styles of the pistillate flowers of
maize; also called {silk}.

2. Untwisted filaments of silk, used in embroidering.

3. A body feather of an ostrich. Flosses are soft, and gray
from the female and black from the male.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

{Floss silk}, silk that has been twisted, and which retains
its loose and downy character. It is much used in
embroidery. Called also {floxed silk}.

{Floss thread}, a kind of soft flaxen yarn or thread, used
for embroidery; -- called also {linen floss}, and {floss
yarn}. --McElrath.

Floss \Floss\, n. [Cf. G. floss a float.]
1. A small stream of water. [Eng.]

2. Fluid glass floating on iron in the puddling furnace,
produced by the vitrification of oxides and earths which
are present.

{Floss hole}.
(a) A hole at the back of a puddling furnace, at which the
slags pass out.
(b) The tap hole of a melting furnace. --Knight.

  1. Writer Rose Levy Beranbaum, daughter of a dentist, shows how to cut a cheesecake with dental floss.
  2. She says "dweeby types" often "snog right up" to her when she's wearing her "floss," or thong-backed bikini.
  3. 'Don't worry, darling,' soothed my wife, fixing the rod with a twist of dental floss and a couple of matchsticks. I snatched it from her and cast; the water heaved; I struck; a 5lb rainbow trout virtually leapt into my arms.
  4. Mayor Janio Quadros has outlawed the wearing of skimpy swimsuits in the name of "morality." Quadros on Monday banned so-called "dental floss" string bikinis and men's brief swimwear in city parks in Sao Paulo, the nation's second-largest city.
  5. Elizabeth Busch's predominantly red, precisely symmetrical, startlingly modern "Last Picture Show" is a masterpiece of hand-dyed and hand-painted fabric, embellished with dramatic swaths of embroidery floss.
  6. Cooper's current management says it is just playing out a bad hand it inherited from Mr. Montgomery, whose nonstop deal-making had Cooper making everything from dental floss to medical lasers.
  7. Mrs Virginia Bottomley, health secretary, described his election campaign as 'candy floss'.
  8. Johnson & Johnson $1.20 dental floss costs $6.
  9. Curvaceous women in scarlet lipstick and dental floss bikinis strut along the shore.
  10. Or turn cartwheels or floss their teeth.
  11. He disagreed with Mrs. Gore's assertion that lyrics could promote deviant behavior, saying, "I wrote a song aboiut dental floss but anyone's teeth get cleaner?" Jackson has not made rock music a part of his campaign or speeches.
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