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 flapdoodle ['flæpdu:dl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 胡说, 梦话, 瞎话

  1. He chewed my head off about the" threadsoul", the" causal body,"" ablation," the Upanishads, Plotinus, Krishnamurti," the Karmic vestiture of the soul,"" the nirvanic consciousness," all that flapdoodle which blows out of the

  1. "I hope it will cause people to realize that you're seeing flapdoodle and stumblebum campaigns," said Hastings, who entered the race just three days after he was impeached and removed from the bench last year.
  2. That there emerges, from all this flapdoodle, any effective drama at all (as there does in the mother-daughter scenes) is the real surprise.
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