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 firing iron 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. After rolling, the tea was sent back to the drying pans for a second round of firing, losing even more volume at every contact with the hot sides of the iron wok.
  2. “We found relics of the craftsmen’s quarters and firing places and iron and metal artifacts, ” says Ernst Pohl, a German archaeologist who spent years excavating the site.
    “我们已发现工匠的住所遗迹,还有烧火的地方,以及钢铁工艺品”,恩斯特·波尔(Ernst Pohl)说。 他是德国的考古学家,在现场挖掘已经有几年时间。
  3. Based on the experimental study on the ingredients and firing, the firing tests of cementing materials with mixture of iron tailings has been successfully completed and a breakthrough is obtained.

Firing \Fir"ing\, n.
1. The act of discharging firearms.

2. The mode of introducing fuel into the furnace and working
it. --Knight.

3. The application of fire, or of a cautery. --Dunglison.

4. The process of partly vitrifying pottery by exposing it to
intense heat in a kiln.

5. Fuel; firewood or coal. [Obs.] --Mortimer.

{Firing iron}, an instrument used in cauterizing.

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