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 fippenny bit 添加此单词到默认生词本
5便士币,(1857年前在美国东部流通的)西班牙银币 (约合6美分)

    Fippenny bit \Fip"pen*ny bit`\ (? or ?). [Corruption of five
    penny bit.]
    The Spanish half real, or one sixteenth of a dollar, -- so
    called in Pennsylvania and the adjacent States. [Obs.]

    Note: Before the act of Congress, Feb. 21, 1857, caused the
    adoption of decimal coins and the withdrawal of foreign
    coinage from circulation, this coin passed currently
    for 61/4 cents, and was called in New England a
    fourpence ha'penny or fourpence; in New York a
    sixpence; in Pennsylvania, Virginia, etc., a fip; and
    in Louisiana, a picayune.

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