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 finalise 添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 把(计划)最后定下来, 定稿

[经] 使...结束

  1. So all we have to do now is finalise the delivery arrangements.
  2. Hernan Crespo is expected to meet Chelsea officials on Friday to finalise his plans for next season.
  3. The South American's agent will meet with chief Claudio Lotito this week in an attempt to finalise terms.

[ verb ]
make final; put the last touches on; put into final form
<verb.change> finalize nail down settle
let's finalize the proposal

  1. When we received the various papers to finalise the company's affairs some time afterwards, we also received a notice of assessment and surcharge.
  2. London & General wants to make it into a science park for emergent technology companies. London & General has three months to finalise plans.
  3. The company, which also hosts domestic golf tournaments, hopes to finalise the deal before the US Open in June.
  4. Japan, September machinery orders. Wednesday: Germany, parliamentary budget committee begins three-day meeting in Bonn to finalise 1993 budget.
  5. Parliament told the government to finalise these technical agreements with the exchange of ratification instruments.
  6. The Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare will today finalise reforms aimed at further controlling government expenditure on medicines.
  7. The Bonn cabinet is due to finalise a package of spending cuts by the end of this month.
  8. He describes a possible rights issue as 'one of a list of 10 very good ideas'. Mr Eisner hopes to finalise the restructuring plan over coming months and present it to shareholders by next March.
  9. 'It is critical to the security of Europe, to the security of the US and to the security of Asia. 'We have got to continue this Uruguay round, and finalise it.
  10. They requested the IMF to act expeditiously to finalise by the spring meetings the arrangements needed to complete membership procedures for those states with applications under consideration which are able to meet the conditions for membership.
  11. But several warned that a failure to finalise the deal by Monday 'would be very serious for the round'. Next week is the last full week of negotiation if the deadline of December 15 is to be met.
  12. For electoral reform is an issue which divides Labour as fundamentally as its relationship with the unions. This week, the opening shots were fired in a new round of the party's internal strife when the committee met to finalise its recommendations.
  13. LLOYD'S OF LONDON will finalise its plans to attract corporate investment later this month, signalling an important shift in the character of the 305-year-old insurance market.
  14. Both sides aim to finalise the deal in the latter half of May. Mr Talbot said in the meanwhile he would 'continue to talk to other interested parties'. The management buy-out team believes other bidders are now out of the running.
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