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 fervent ['fɚvənt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 热的, 炎热的, 热心的

  1. She had a fervent farewell speech.
  2. Filled with or motivated by zeal; fervent.
  3. A shout of fervent and worshipful praise.

[ adj ]
  1. characterized by intense emotion

  2. <adj.all>
    ardent love
    an ardent lover
    a fervent desire to change society
    a fervent admirer
    fiery oratory
    an impassioned appeal
    a torrid love affair
  3. extremely hot

  4. <adj.all>
    the fervent heat...merely communicated a genial warmth to their half-torpid systems
    set out...when the fervid heat subsides

Fervent \Fer"vent\, a. [F. fervent, L. fervens, -entis. p. pr.
of fervere o the boiling hot, to boil, glow.]
1. Hot; glowing; boiling; burning; as, a fervent summer.

The elements shall melt with fervent heat. --2 Pet.
iii. 10.

2. Warm in feeling; ardent in temperament; earnest; full of
fervor; zealous; glowing.

Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit. --Rom.
iii. 11.

So spake the fervent angel. --Milton.

A fervent desire to promote the happiness of
mankind. --Macaulay.
-- {Fer"vent*ly}, adv. -- {Fer"vent*ness}, n.

Laboring fervently for you in prayers. --Col. iv.

  1. "It is my fervent hope that we will be able to reach an agreement that will be satisfactory to all concerned," Mitchell said.
  2. Based on a forgotten scenario by William Faulkner, one of de Gaulle's most fervent admirers, director Denys Granier-Deferre has made a TV movie recounting the war years.
  3. Two critics of the project split the rest of the vote, with the most fervent anti-nuclear candidate, lawyer Shigeru Kanazawa, drawing 33%.
  4. Its slogan: "You create your own reality." Chandler, 56, an award-winning religion writer for the Los Angeles Times, took an eight-months leave for researching the movement, interviewing both its critics and fervent followers.
  5. Saddam might discover a certain viscosity in his chain of command. The desire to overthrow him might become simultaneously more fervent and more logical.
  6. Perez, a fervent supporter of Ronald Reagan and Oliver North, who has endorsed his candidacy, insists he can win, while former North Miami Mayor John Stembridge and insurance broker David Fleischer are GOP longshots.
  7. And the Nordic states - in spite of, and partly because of, the autumn turbulence - are among Europe's most fervent devotees of monetary union. This enthusiasm is not shared in Switzerland.
  8. Only for fervent fans of big-muscled men or amusing orangutans.
  9. A third theory, that the shape of the atoll looks like a bikinied figure, is dismissed as unlikely even to the "most perfervid imagination." By the way, "perfervid," means extremely or excessively fervent.
  10. There were fervent pleas from some members for such an amendment before the break.
  11. With fervent nationalism, Torrijos brought a new sense of pride and identity to the country, even its wealthiest citizens.
  12. Parents _ we share a fervent desire for our children, and their children, to know a better world, a safer world.
  13. For the most part they were young men in their teens and early 20s, devoid of political sophistication but fervent in their hate of Israel and the U.S.
  14. She was an improbable tycoon, a fervent disciple of a mystic Buddhist sect who dressed in flowing robes and claimed to receive stock tips from the gods.
  15. Mr Rupert Pennant-Rea could be seen as an ideas man who will inject some vigour and originality into the policy debate; at The Economist he displayed fervent support for monetary discipline and the ERM exchange rate.
  16. No blood, no sweat, no tears could earn me this high calling." Kathleen Turner declared herself a fervent feminist and risk taker in a commencement speech at Emerson College.
  17. He is a fervent advocate of creating a similar community in North Africa.
  18. Disillusioned by Germany's collapse after the First World War, Lentz joins the Spartacist revolt of 1919 and becomes a fervent communist.
  19. So lawmakers tighten their grip with ever more fervent pursuit of pork and PAC funds and with taxpayer-financed perquisites.
  20. Wages have been driven down to levels that worry even the most fervent apostles of the market. Mr Peter Lilley, the social security secretary, acknowledged this week the disturbing impact of low pay on family life.
  21. Despite his fervent anti-West rhetoric, Hekmatyar has received most of the U.S. and Saudi weapons channeled to the guerrillas.
  22. He is a fervent supporter of quick unification with West Germany.
  23. There is little time," said Abdul Qadir Karyad, head of the political wing of the fervent Moslem party Hezb-i-Islami, led by Gulbaddin Hekmatyar.
  24. Mrs. Cresson has been a fervent advocate of subsidies to large companies, and even quit her post as minister of foreign trade because she didn't feel Mr. Mitterrand was spending enough on industrial policy.
  25. They have "better organized work programs," said the veteran traveler of the behind-bars circuit and fervent advocate of bracing up prisoners, body and soul.
  26. Will he be truthfully as fervent for tax cuts as Ronald Reagan?"
  27. In the fervent, almost monotone voice of a true believer, he tells the audience about three trips he made to Vietnam after the war ended.
  28. "My fervent hope is to see, in due course, the restoration of the cordial relations which existed between you and O.R. (ANC President Oliver R. Tambo), and between the two organizations in the '70s," Mandela wrote to Buthelezi.
  29. Mr Bond took over the Republican party chairmanship after working for Congressman Bill Green of New York, the quintessential moderate Republican, which sometimes made his fervent support of the conservative agenda look a little odd.
  30. She captures the desperate desire of a yuppie mother to get her son into the very best preschool and the fervent nymphomania of a Queens postal worker ("If I don't get touched by a guy in two hours, I'm gonna die").
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