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 feminist ['fɛmənɪst]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 男女平等主义者

  1. She is professedly a feminist.
  2. Does feminist writing come within the scope of your book?
  3. Ms Lucy, as a professional sociologist and committed feminist, is, however, not surprised. Nor is she amused.

[ noun ]
  1. a supporter of feminism

  2. <noun.person>
[ adj ]
  1. of or relating to or advocating equal rights for women

  2. <adj.pert>
    feminist critique

  1. On their first meeting she bit him until he bled; months after he left her, she died. It was Malcolm, who calls 'her courage to be unpleasant', that made her a feminist heroine.
  2. It still remains to be seen where ER should stand in the pantheon of feminist heroines.
  3. But there has been no significant change in the boundaries of production. The new SNA will do nothing to assuage feminist economists who have strongly criticised the system, and therefore governments, for largely ignoring the role of women in societies.
  4. The real goddess appears, and tells off these men for underestimating women - an apotheosis evidently intended as a feminist dea ex machina idea.
  5. Drawing on feminist theory, environmentalism and 'new age' rethinking about the myths and symbols underpinning our spiritual life, she proposes a new agenda for art with an updated version of Vasari's Lives to match.
  6. Ruth becomes her own person, but unlike feminist heroines, she does not thereby become a model of all-nurturing moral sensibility.
  7. "Ann Richards has allowed the liberal, feminist pro-abortion groups to set her agenda," he said.
  8. The actress admitted that the wife's actions do not reflect current feminist thinking: "I think the movie is going to have a big impact on women viewers because of how she hands everything over to her husband.
  9. She also was described as a founder and leader of the feminist movement in the United States and was a creator of the Sisterhood is Global Institute, a feminist research organization.
  10. She also was described as a founder and leader of the feminist movement in the United States and was a creator of the Sisterhood is Global Institute, a feminist research organization.
  11. A few weeks ago a militant feminist on a TV talk show called Santa a male chauvinist because only a token doe, Vixen, made his starting lineup on Christmas Eve.
  12. 'I am so used to living in New York where being a feminist can often imply that you're rather militant about it.
  13. Some feminist legal scholars say the rulings are breakthroughs in the effort to make the legal system more responsive to women.
  14. In June, Fawcett will publish the paperback book, a novel by feminist writer Marge Piercy, with nine completely different covers.
  15. The text of Desdemona reads like a tract of militant feminist ideology.
  16. At the same time, Mr. Forward never considered it unpriestly not to tell his feminist publishers that Ms. Khan was really the local vicar.
  17. Even comparable worth, the best example of a systematic feminist effort at market coercion, is a divisive issue among feminists.
  18. But Lesley Ann Warren's feminist poet, the killer's secret love object, sets the women's movement back 50 years.
  19. No blood, no sweat, no tears could earn me this high calling." Kathleen Turner declared herself a fervent feminist and risk taker in a commencement speech at Emerson College.
  20. A symposium on "Women and Creation" sponsored by a year-old French feminist group, the Women's Alliance For Democratization, featured a host of international feminist leaders.
  21. A symposium on "Women and Creation" sponsored by a year-old French feminist group, the Women's Alliance For Democratization, featured a host of international feminist leaders.
  22. Actress Michelle Greene said she was able to get producer Steven Bochco to make her "L.A. Law" character independent and more attractive because Bochco is a "feminist at heart." Miss Greene plays lawyer Abby Perkins in the NBC hit series.
  23. She fell out of feminist favor in the late '70s with "Puffball," a novel Ms. Weldon is very fond of, which was written after the birth of her fourth and last son.
  24. The other English faculty members reportedly leaving Princeton are Sandra Gilbert and Valerie Smith, both feminist literary critics.
  25. Throngs of eager customers scan paperbacks on Zen poetry and feminist theory.
  26. "Where it's at a feminist health center and there's been this nationwide thing involving them (abortion clinics), we felt that we should notify them," said Jim Moran, director of investigations for the Concord police.
  27. Hers is the sort of comedy, we are told, which is simply the feminist equivalent of the anti-female material dished out for years by people such as Bernard Manning and Benny Hill.
  28. The four, chosen out of about one thousand nominees, will join the 42 women already in the feminist pantheon, according to Sally Parr, executive director.
  29. However, feminist rhetoric is guaranteed to upset (male) exhibition sponsors, so it will be a while before a major UK gallery explores these questions.
  30. I went to see a West African play the other day, billed as third world feminist.
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