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 externally [eks'tə:nəli]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 在外部, 外表上, 从外面, 在外面, 从外部

  1. On the outside; externally.
  2. An externally specified unit of work for the computing system from the stand- point of installation accounting and operating system control. A job consists of one or more job steps.
  3. He externally seems to be a stable person.

[ adv ]
  1. on or from the outside

  2. <adv.all>
    the candidate needs to be externally evaluated
  3. with respect to the outside

  4. <adv.all>
    outwardly, the figure is smooth

Externally \Ex*ter"nal*ly\, adv.
In an external manner; outwardly; on the outside; in
appearance; visibly.

  1. These institutions must be further and decisively developed - both internally and externally. As far as the European Community is concerned, the discussion over 'widening' or 'deepening' poses the wrong alternatives.
  2. It plunged through that level after the Bundesbank's Mr. Tietmeyer told a German industry group that Germany needs "an externally strong mark in this transition phase to counteract the economic consequences of German unification."
  3. Most firms sell roughly equal amounts of internally and externally managed mutual funds; the split at Dean Witter has usually been 75-25 in favor of the in-house portfolios, known as InterCapital funds.
  4. Imperial Chemical Industries is preparing to scrap the in-house manager for its Pounds 4.6bn pension scheme and has asked leading investment fund managers to make presentations to manage the funds externally.
  5. As an anti-balding drug, it is applied externally to the scalp.
  6. Those clients wishing to place their custodial arrangements externally will find themselves paying more for fund management.
  7. The new analysis, entitled "Reports From the Tunnel," said Hungary "now faces a criticial situation externally and internally" because reforms begun in the late 1960s did not go far enough in dismantling centralized state control over the economy.
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