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 extempore [ik'stempәri]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 即席的, 当场的

ad. 即席, 当场

n. 即席之作

  1. When he was a boy at Drayton Manor, his father was accustomed to set him up at table to practise speaking extempore and he early accustomed him to repeat as much of the Sunday's sermon as he could remember.
  2. According to the date from the report of reconnaissance and the extempore reconnoiter, the design analyzed and evaluated the geological general situation and the engineering characteristics of setting up the places, and compar

[ adv ]
  1. without prior preparation

  2. <adv.all>
    he spoke extemporaneously
[ adj ]
  1. with little or no preparation or forethought

  2. <adj.all>
    his ad-lib comments showed poor judgment
    an extemporaneous piano recital
    an extemporary lecture
    an extempore skit
    an impromptu speech
    offhand excuses
    trying to sound offhanded and reassuring
    an off-the-cuff toast
    a few unrehearsed comments

Extempore \Ex*tem"po*re\, adv. [L. ex out + tempus, temporis,
time. See {Temporal}.]
Without previous study or meditation; without preparation; on
the spur of the moment; suddenly; extemporaneously; as, to
write or speak extempore. --Shak. -- a. Done or performed
extempore. ``Extempore dissertation.'' --Addison. ``Extempore
poetry.'' --Dryden. -- n. Speaking or writing done extempore.
[Obs.] --Bp. Fell.

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