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 exceptionally [ik'sepʃənəli]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 例外地(格外,特别)

  1. In an unusual degree; exceptionally.
  2. Exceptionally great concentration, power, or force.

[ adv ]
to an exceptional degree
it worked exceptionally well

Exceptional \Ex*cep"tion*al\, a. [Cf. F. exceptionnel.]
Forming an exception; not ordinary; uncommon; rare; hence,
better than the average; superior. --Lyell.

This particular spot had exceptional advantages.
--Jowett (Th.
-- {Ex*cep"tion*al*ly}, adv.

  1. The No. 1 auto maker is expected to lose nearly $3 billion overall this year, with exceptionally heavy losses in North American auto operations offsetting profits overseas and in diversified businesses.
  2. One in four of the institutions in that part of the nation had losses, largely because of exceptionally high loan losses.
  3. Many private investors have lost all interest in gold, and this is an exceptionally difficult time in the gold coin market.
  4. Photographed left is some exceptionally pretty yellow and green French Provencal oven-to-tableware - the dishes each come with appropriate woven baskets.
  5. Montedison, 45%-owned by Gruppo Ferruzzi of Italy, an agri-industrial and chemical concern, blamed the operating results on a "consistent narrowing of margins" from exceptionally good 1988 levels.
  6. Consumer borrowing remains exceptionally weak.
  7. The process is "exceptionally simple," said Dana Duncan, an engineering supervisor and one of those who developed the technology.
  8. Tanjug reported Mandusic said all of the miners were equipped with oxygen tanks but "in the exceptionally grave circumstances these could not be used."
  9. A record 162 companies joined the list of NYSE-traded stocks last year, helping boost revenues to Dollars 374.5m. Trading volume was also exceptionally heavy, averaging 178.9m shares a day, the second highest in the exchange's 200-year history.
  10. These two businesses will represent "an exceptionally powerful combination" to enhance shareholder value in the years ahead, it said.
  11. The Iraqis were exceptionally blunt in their demands.
  12. Parts of Assam have also been hit by exceptionally dry weather.
  13. They can report to the full House at any time. Star witnesses There was a period, shortly after they were established, when some of the new departmentally-related committees seemed exceptionally useful.
  14. Yet the "yield curve," the arc that represents interest rates from short- to long-maturity securities, is exceptionally steep, making it even more desirable to keep funding on the short side.
  15. Mr. Schweich's judgment was all the more influential because he covers only a few exceptionally promising companies.
  16. It also is critical of exceptionally large fleet deals, involving very large discounts and concluded directly between vehicle maker and operator.
  17. As a result, Exxon's refining margins were exceptionally high for the 1986 period, more than offsetting the effects of the oil-price collapse on other operations.
  18. But trading volume was exceptionally thin at every level, suggesting that the market is relatively resistant to a further sell-off, they added.
  19. Mr. Watson says that Compaq persists in confounding the skeptics, in part because it is "an exceptionally well-run company." Data General added 1/4 to 4 1/2.
  20. "The company's track record and its overall business conduct is exemplary, and we expect the company will perform exceptionally well," he said.
  21. The ordinary put on 5 at 413 1/2 p in exceptionally heavy turnover of 72m. While the stabilisation programme being undertaken by SG Warburg, the government's adviser, will limit downward pressure, analysts are predicting a dull time for the new BT stock.
  22. "You have to notice that exceptionally large numbers of people, affected by an accumulation of the effects of five years of war, left their homes this year.
  23. Oil prices had been depressed following reports of exceptionally high crude oil stocks.
  24. Second-quarter sales from VF's intimate apparel division have also been "exceptionally strong," powered by VF's Vassarette unit.
  25. Traders said activity was exceptionally quiet for the bulk of the session, mirroring the lack of action in the Treasury bond market.
  26. They blamed increased demand for dairy products at a time of exceptionally high U.S. exports of dry milk, coupled with very low import quotas.
  27. In 1987, for example, it observed that the price-earnings ratio of the Standard & Poor's composite index was exceptionally high at 22, higher even than the 19.9 prior to the 1929 crash.
  28. Although trading volume wasn't exceptionally heavy, junk bond traders said there was evidence of active buying interest among a variety of players, including investors who traditionally buy stocks.
  29. Staff turnover was exceptionally low.
  30. But no best musical award was made, reflecting what has been an exceptionally weak season for London musicals.
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