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 ex post facto law 添加此单词到默认生词本
【法】 溯及既往的法律

    Ex post facto \Ex" post` fac"to\, or ||Ex postfacto \Ex"
    post`fac"to\ ([e^]ks" p[=o]st" f[a^]k"t[-o]). [L., from what is
    done afterwards.] (Law)
    From or by an after act, or thing done afterward; in
    consequence of a subsequent act; retrospective.

    {Ex post facto law}, a law which operates by after enactment.
    The phrase is popularly applied to any law, civil or
    criminal, which is enacted with a retrospective effect,
    and with intention to produce that effect; but in its true
    application, as employed in American law, it relates only
    to crimes, and signifies a law which retroacts, by way of
    criminal punishment, upon that which was not a crime
    before its passage, or which raises the grade of an
    offense, or renders an act punishable in a more severe
    manner that it was when committed. Ex post facto laws are
    held to be contrary to the fundamental principles of a
    free government, and the States are prohibited from
    passing such laws by the Constitution of the United
    States. --Burrill. --Kent.

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