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 evolve [ɪ'vɑlv]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vi. 进展, 进化, 展开

vt. 使发展, 使推断出, 使进化

  1. He has evolved a new theory after many years of research.
    他经过多年的研究, 逐渐总结出了新的理论.
  2. Many Victorians were shocked by the notion that Man had evolved from lower forms of life.
    在维多利亚时代, 许多人对於人是由低级生物进化而来的见解大为震惊.
  3. The American constitution was planned; the British constitution evolved.
    美国宪法是精心制定的, 英国宪法是约定俗成的.


Evolve \E*volve"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Evolved}; p. pr. & vb.
n. {Evolving}.] [L. evolvere, evolutum; e out + volvere to
roll. See {Voluble}.]
1. To unfold or unroll; to open and expand; to disentangle
and exhibit clearly and satisfactorily; to develop; to
derive; to educe.

The animal soul sooner evolves itself to its full
orb and extent than the human soul. --Sir. M.

The principles which art involves, science alone
evolves. --Whewell.

Not by any power evolved from man's own resources,
but by a power which descended from above. --J. C.

2. To throw out; to emit; as, to evolve odors.

Evolve \E*volve"\, v. i.
To become open, disclosed, or developed; to pass through a
process of evolution. --Prior.

  1. Programs like Genesys show "it is possible to evolve seemingly intelligent behavior quickly and easily on a computer," Taylor says.
  2. On the side of the angels were the pragmatists, Donald Regan included, who were willing to compromise and evolve; who could adapt to reality and work within the system.
  3. "It challenges our thinking to try to understand why did Venus evolve in such a different fashion than Earth.
  4. The evolution of computers will be faster than the evolution of animals." As computers evolve, the differences between electronic and flesh-and-blood brains will become less distinct, Minsky said. "Some day we'll have machines that think like humans.
  5. 'The home market will evolve more slowly because of that.
  6. China, with deeper cultural traditions, will evolve into a non-communist nation whose communist leaders will argue mostly about the pace of change.
  7. 'The government has to evolve a practical policy to tackle the loss of jobs or face a worker upheaval', a union leader says.
  8. As the auction catalog says, "glorious sun-drenched days evolve into dazzling moonlit nights" at the towers overlooking the waterway and this resort town.
  9. Bergsten said that a more formal agreement, perhaps under the auspices of the United Nations, may evolve from the current conflict with the expected contribution from each country spelled out more clearly in advance of any conflict.
  10. Mr Jean-Paul Betbeze, chief economist at Credit Lyonnais in Paris, said the system needed to evolve into 'a more political and less technocratic' arrangement.
  11. "Cooperation can operate in a regular, almost day-by-day fashion to manage problems as they evolve."
  12. Let's see how things evolve.
  13. "The People's Republic of Angola will evolve toward a multiparty (political) system, within a framework of a new constitution to be submitted to a popular referendum," the statement said.
  14. Mostly, people at the institute are building computer models of complex phenomena. The models are supposed to show how molecules, markets or national economies evolve.
  15. "It will evolve, it will develop.
  16. Mr. Kimmelman believes fancy services that can be delivered only over fiber optics will eventually evolve, but he thinks the phone companies have greatly overestimated demand.
  17. "Nobody knows for sure right now what the situation will be in a year, how economic reforms will evolve, whether they will lead to runaway hyper-inflation," he said.
  18. Jim Snyder, an Albright, W.Va., author, predicted in a 1987 book that kayak technology and skill levels would evolve to the point that making it over Niagara Falls would be possible.
  19. In 1981, lawmakers passed a law requiring schoolteachers who teach Darwin's theory of evolution to also teach "scientific creationism," an alternative theory that mankind was created and didn't evolve from lower animals.
  20. Essentially, the Aztecs and their neighbours used pictograms and ideograms, although by the 16th century they were beginning to evolve phonetic symbols.
  21. Solutions can then evolve gradually and locally and in the spirit of accommodation rather than confrontation.
  22. The privatisation ministry hopes this will evolve into a self-regulating market modelled on Nasdaq in New York.
  23. That influential committee can only recommend OPEC actions, but its sessions often attract all 13 ministers and can quickly evolve into full meetings.
  24. It planned to evolve the present models but would need some form of partnership in the second half of the 1990s.
  25. This is not to suggest that Singapore will become a Western democracy any time soon, or even that it's likely to evolve away from one-party rule in Mexico's limited way.
  26. Television crews spent several weeks here last spring putting together a two-hour movie they hoped might evolve into a new series this fall.
  27. Some of her show's funniest sketches have been song and/or dance numbers that evolve out of a comic premise.
  28. Service involves exceeding customer expectations, which evolve over time.
  29. The standard seemed to be developed and seemed to evolve to fit the situation.
  30. Douglas Ryckman, managing partner of Andersen Consulting, said hospital systems must evolve to include open architecture and networking.
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