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 espousal [ɪs'paʊzl.]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 拥护, 订婚, 婚礼

  1. In Britain, Margaret Thatcher's espousal of monetarism eventually brought inflation down with a bump in the early1980 s.

[ noun ]
  1. archaic terms for a wedding or wedding feast

  2. <noun.act>
  3. the act of becoming betrothed or engaged

  4. <noun.act>
  5. the act of accepting with approval; favorable reception

  6. <noun.act>
    its adoption by society
    the proposal found wide acceptance

Espousal \Es*pous"al\, n. [OF. espousailles, pl., F.
['e]pousailles, L. sponsalia, fr. sponsalis belonging to
betrothal or espousal. See {Espouse}, and cf. {Sponsal},
1. The act of espousing or betrothing; especially, in the
plural, betrothal; plighting of the troths; a contract of
marriage; sometimes, the marriage ceremony.

2. The uniting or allying one's self with anything;
maintenance; adoption; as, the espousal of a quarrel.

The open espousal of his cause. --Lord Orford.

  1. Duke was repudiated by most state and national GOP leaders because of his white supremacist background and prior espousal of Nazi ideology.
  2. He urged restraint on the use of religion in parties' electoral platforms, a clear reference to the BJP's espousal of Hinduism, though he did not name the party. Failure of the no-confidence motion had been expected.
  3. The cardinals knelt one-by-one before the red-robed pontiff Wednesday to receive the rings, a sign of their espousal to the church.
  4. This is despite attempts to re-model his image and his clear espousal of free-market economic policies.
  5. By contrast, he's won kudos for his espousal of William Schuman's "Violin Concerto," which he recently recorded for Angel/EMI along with Leonard Bernstein's engaging "Serenade for Violin Solo, Strings and Percussion."
  6. Since then, it has vacillated between aggressive rhetoric and the intermittent espousal of conciliatory stances.
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