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 environs [in'vaiәrәnz]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 市郊, 郊外

  1. A native or inhabitant of Newcastle upon Tyne, England, or its environs.
  2. The neighborhood or surrounding area; the environs.
  3. London and its environs.

[ noun ]
  1. the area in which something exists or lives

  2. <noun.location>
    the country--the flat agricultural surround
  3. an outer adjacent area of any place

  4. <noun.location>

Environs \En*vi"rons\ (?; 277), n. pl. [F.]
The parts or places which surround another place, or lie in
its neighborhood; suburbs; as, the environs of a city or
town. --Chesterfield.

  1. Already, the heat has become so intense that a number of firms are seeking less-hostile environs.
  2. Government troops reunited war-divided Beirut Dec. 3 by deploying in the capital and its environs after militias withdrew from Beirut to their areas of influence in north, east and south Lebanon.
  3. In the friendly environs of economics and health care, Democrats must convince voters not only that the current policies are bad but that their solutions are better.
  4. They are destined, however, for 75%-black Washington, D.C., and environs.
  5. From Siemens of Germany to Sony of Japan and Motorola of the US, many of the world's largest business groups have their names on manufacturing or research centres in the city and its environs. It is a similar story in the region as a whole.
  6. Is that the extent of the economic hangover for New York and environs?
  7. Semper Fidelis secured the Bridge of the Americas and ensured the security of Howard Air Force Base and its environs.
  8. In the chic environs of Johannesburg - yes, there are some - there is an upsurge of interest in South Africa's two main native tongues, Xhosa and Zulu. The twist of course is that Nelson Mandela is a Xhosa and Mangosuthu Buthelezi a Zulu.
  9. Each year Houghton and environs are blanketed by 184 inches of snow, the highest average snowfall in the continental U.S. except for mountainous regions.
  10. Unlike other diving environs, the subterranean lake is devoid of life forms _ no sharks to worry about here _ and other distractions such as current, surges or tidal rushes.
  11. With The New Republic already based in Washington (having moved there from New York shortly after World War II), we now have three of the most important magazines about American political life headquartered in the environs of the nation's capital.
  12. Power plants and water-pumping stations stopped on Jan. 30, the first day of the fighting, leaving the Lebanese capital and its environs without electricity and running water.
  13. The Democratic field in Iowa and New Hampshire compete in virtually all white environs, but Sen. Gore is a modern Southerner who must meet the black preacher directly.
  14. An earthquake measuring 4.5 on the Richter scale shook Tehran and its environs during the night, the official Islamic Republic News Agency reported today.
  15. Because of such institutions as Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, the country's oldest engineering school, Troy and its environs have attracted pioneers in the major industries of tomorrow, officials said.
  16. Most are housed in tents, turning the city of 85,000 and its environs into a giant campground.
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