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 enlargement [in'lɑ:dʒmənt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 扩大, 肿大, 肥大, 增大, 放大的照片, 放大, 扩建部分, 增补物, 扩展

[计] 增补, 扩大, 放大

[医] 增大, 膨大

  1. Enlargement of the heart.
  2. An abnormal increase in the number of cells in an organ or a tissue with consequent enlargement.
  3. The enlargement brings out the details in the photograph.

[ noun ]
  1. the act of increasing (something) in size or volume or quantity or scope

  2. <noun.act>
  3. the state of being enlarged

  4. <noun.state>
  5. a discussion that provides additional information

  6. <noun.communication>
  7. a photographic print that has been enlarged

  8. <noun.artifact>

Enlargement \En*large"ment\, n.
1. The act of increasing in size or bulk, real or apparent;
the state of being increased; augmentation; further
extension; expansion.

2. Expansion or extension, as of the powers of the mind;
ennoblement, as of the feelings and character; as, an
enlargement of views, of knowledge, of affection.

3. A setting at large, or being set at large; release from
confinement, servitude, or distress; liberty.

Give enlargement to the swain. --Shak.

4. Diffusiveness of speech or writing; expatiation; a wide
range of discourse or argument.

An enlargement upon the vices and corruptions that
were got into the army. --Clarendon.

  1. The bill to enable enlargement of the European Union to include Austria, Norway, Finland and Sweden gained its third reading without a vote in the Commons last night.
  2. This issue cannot be postponed until Poland and Hungary are at the gates, because the admission of the Finns and the Swedes will determine the institutional terms of the next enlargement.
  3. As for eastern enlargement, the summit in Essen produced a few sign-posts, but little substance. In the first place, Germany was hopelessly distracted by its own general election.
  4. Extending reporting requirements would represent an enlargement of a rule, effective last September, which imposed a detailed registration system for company officials who own large blocks of corporate stock.
  5. Intended to be redolent of Marie-Antoinette's village in the grounds of Versailles, the name of the building could prove something of an embarrassment, as EU enlargement progresses.
  6. The Socialist and Christian Democrat apparatchiks who control the Euro-assembly definitely hold a whip hand on enlargement, and are in a mood to demonstrate they are nobody's rubber-stamp.
  7. Britten's Beggar's Opera is no mere orchestral enlargement of Gay but a thoroughgoing re-invention.
  8. This makes an eastern EC enlargement simply too costly for EC taxpayers and farmers until the CEEC's get richer or present EC members more generous, he argues. Joining Efta, however, would hasten the CEEC's entry into the Community.
  9. Otto Wolff von Amerongen, chairman of Otto Wolff AG, a steel and engineering unit of Germany's Thyssen AG, says German industry is vitally concerned with the possible enlargement of the EC, especially to the East.
  10. Practical considerations point to an enlargement of the SFO, since the alternative option of putting the merged body within the CPS would require legislation.
  11. 'That cannot be an option because the Union is committed to a policy of enlargement,' said one official. Mr Major also rejected calls from other governments for the 1996 conference to increase the role of the European parliament.
  12. The US is also uncomfortable with the emphasis given to the membership question. Nato will try to match any gesture it makes towards enlargement with a parallel upgrading of defence relations with Russia and Ukraine.
  13. The stage looks vaguely Arthur Rackham-ish, though with all the poetry dissipated by the colouring and the 3D enlargement.
  14. 'We want enlargement with a reinforcement of the European Union's powers,' he said. Ministers from the applicant countries warned that tepid support for EU membership could cool further.
  15. Nasser said that one result of the Persian Gulf crisis will be a permanent enlargement of the Saudi military. While some officials are talking about a draft, Gen.
  16. Everything would be questioned - the enlargement of the community, the Gatt negotiations, the reform of the agricultural policy.
  17. The last enlargement, taking in Spain and Portugal, came as a big blow to Moroccan agriculture.
  18. The prime minister repeated yesterday that the government strongly favours enlargement of the EU.
  19. EU members are resisting extending the current principle of the veto in voting to such small entities - Malta's GNP is 0.03 per cent that of the EU. No progress is likely until 1996, when the EU will discuss the issue of enlargement.
  20. Mr Lake's concept of the enlargement of democracy has not satisfied all appetites. Administration officials point out, with reason, that their predecessors had an easier task, living within the doctrine of containment of the Soviet Union.
  21. The issue is likely to be back on the agenda in 1996 when the enlargement debate will be more pressing.
  22. What is needed is to strengthen the political centre, not weaken it. Even before the Danish vote political reinforcement was urgently needed, because of the drive to monetary union, enlargement and a more coherent foreign policy.
  23. The department awarded research grants to study the treatment of heart attacks, lower back pain, cataracts and prostate gland enlargement.
  24. A French minister said yesterday Mr Klaus Kinkel, Germany's foreign minister, had 'irritated us with his dynamism' in enlargement talks.
  25. But Nato is even more concerned not to create problems for Mr Yeltsin. Oddly, it was Mr Yeltsin who put enlargement on the Nato summit agenda.
  26. A widely used blood pressure medicine appears to reduce progressive enlargement of the heart, a common and hazardous complication of heart attacks, according to a preliminary study.
  27. The report, by researchers at Rockefeller University, New York, is the first to explain previous studies that found that Tagamet causes annoying side effects in some men such as breast enlargement and reduced sex drive.
  28. The certainty of enlargement was reinforced on Saturday when - ironically, in the 'Arab Room' of the Oporto stock exchange - the EC-Efta treaty to create the European Economic Area was signed.
  29. Europe badly needs to take a new economic direction, but no one seems to know what it should be. But there is one option which most EC member countries appear determined to rule out: enlargement to the east.
  30. However skilfully Mr Hurd negotiates the obstacles to enlargement, subsidiarity and a financing deal, Maastricht can only survive if the Danish people change their minds. Here he becomes cautious.
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