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 endotoxin [,endә'tɒksin]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 内毒素

[化] 内毒素

[医] 内毒素

  1. Aim To establish a bacterial endotoxin test for four vitamine injection.
  2. Conclusion Bacterial endotoxin test can be used for four vitamine injection.
  3. Conclusion: It is feasible for bacteria endotoxin test instead of pyrogen test.

[ noun ]
a toxin that is confined inside the microorganisms and is released only when the microorganisms are broken down or die

  1. If they get into the bloodstream, they release endotoxin, a poison that in turn dispatches agents called cytokines on a search and destroy mission aimed at lungs, kidneys, other organs and the blood itself.
  2. Centoxin binds to endotoxin and neutralizes it before it can do its deadly work.
  3. Even the most powerful antibiotics have failed to stem the death toll, in part because in the case of gram-negative sepsis, the bacteria release endotoxin as they die.
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