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 emirate [e'miərit]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 埃米尔的地位, 酋长国

  1. The problem has spread to the nearby affluent Gulf emirate of Sharja, according to a police source.
  2. The marchers in Ramadi were calling not just for the ejection of the Americans from Iraq, but for the creation of a separate Islamic emirate.
  3. Dubai-owned airline Emirates said it would build one of the world's tallest hotels to cater for growing numbers of tourists to the Gulf Arab emirate.

[ noun ]
  1. the domain controlled by an emir

  2. <noun.location>
  3. the office of an emir

  4. <noun.act>

  1. While Westerners continued to flee occupied Kuwait with tales of low food supplies and looting by Iraqi troops, international pressure grew against Saddam to withdraw from the oil-rich emirate he invaded and annexed.
  2. Iraq annexed Kuwait six days after the invasion and last week the former emirate was declared Iraq's 19th province.
  3. After Jan. 15, the Security Council said, the allies of Kuwait's government-in-exile may use any means necessary, including military force, to liberate the emirate.
  4. They were among thousands of foreigners were trapped in Iraq and Kuwait when Saddam Hussein's troops took over the emirate Aug. 2.
  5. In other developments today: _The Pentagon said an estimated 120,000 Iraqi troops are now in Kuwait and that Iraq also had improved air defenses in the emirate. "They're holding on to what they have acquired," spokesman Pete Williams said.
  6. The finance minister of Kuwait's exiled government, Ali Khalifa al-Sabah, who was the conquered emirate's oil minister until earlier this summer, said Sunday he would like to see an increase in oil production.
  7. Palestinians registered as residents of Kuwait have been given the right to sponsor foreign nationals who want to stay in the occupied emirate, travelers said Sunday.
  8. Saddam, who seized Kuwait in a dispute over money, land and oil, prevented thousands of foreigners from leaving Iraq and the conquered emirate, and has used some as human shields to protect key installations against potential attack.
  9. After Iraq invaded Kuwait on Aug. 2 and annexed the neighboring oil emirate, it ordered all embassies in the emirate to shut down by Aug. 24 and began surrounding holdouts that day.
  10. After Iraq invaded Kuwait on Aug. 2 and annexed the neighboring oil emirate, it ordered all embassies in the emirate to shut down by Aug. 24 and began surrounding holdouts that day.
  11. But other experts say a 10-year development phase is now needed because of the international trade embargo imposed on Iraq after it invaded Kuwait on Aug. 2 and later annexed the oil-rich emirate.
  12. At present, there are only 10 rigs in the emirate, and one is so huge it isn't being used to drill the relatively shallow wells.
  13. The meeting in Baghdad came one day after the U.N. Security Council's five permanent members held a high-level military meeting to discuss how to further pressure Saddam into quitting the emirate he invaded on Aug. 2.
  14. The campaigners hope to set up camp sites on both sides of the border of Iraqi-occupied Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, where U.S. forces and troops from 25 other nations have assembled since Iraq's Aug. 2 invasion of the emirate.
  15. "What happened to Kuwait now can happen to any country or little emirate here and there.
  16. In Kuwait City, the emirate's capital, the crown prince and prime minister, Sheik Saad al-Abdullah al-Sabah, called the 75-member National Council to a special session to discuss the Iraqi allegations.
  17. Shuaiba, Kuwait's largest container terminal, was cleared for general traffic by the emirate's authorities yesterday, Paul Abrahams writes from Kuwait City.
  18. And he emphasized the administration prefers a diplomatic and political solution to Iraq's annexation of Kuwait and seizure of the Persian Gulf emirate's oil fields.
  19. Administration sources said Friday that Iraq had used American and other hostages to wire Kuwait's four oil refineries with plastic explosives capable of knocking out the emirate's entire refining capacity.
  20. Primakov has emerged as the main shuttling diplomat in the conflict, which began when Iraq invaded Kuwait Aug. 2 and occupied the emirate.
  21. "Hitler revisited," Bush said in Dallas of Iraqi actions in the tiny emirate that Saddam Hussein's troops seized Aug. 2.
  22. The incidents were the most serious confrontations involving diplomats in the emirate since Iraq ordered the embassies closed Aug 24.
  23. President Bush has demanded Iraq's unconditional withdrawal from the oil-rich emirate it invaded Aug. 2, as well as restoration of the ruling al-Sabah family.
  24. Hundreds of foreigners have been prevented from leaving Iraq and Kuwait since Iraq seized the emirate Aug. 2.
  25. Iraq will send an additional 250,000 troops to Kuwait, more than doubling its military strength in the occupied emirate, the Iraqi News Agency reported today.
  26. Iraq said Saturday it has shut down the Kuwait News Agency, in the latest move meant to solidify Baghdad's hold on the emirate it invaded.
  27. Iraq's government of President Saddam Hussein ordered all foreign missions in Kuwait to close Aug. 24, and those that defied the order had services cut off by authorities who took over the emirate after the Aug. 2 invasion.
  28. "We need another year of continuous uprising," Arafat told a gathering of Palestinians at the emirate's presidential guest palace Wednesday night.
  29. Iraq last week ordered all embassies in Kuwait to shut down, saying the emirate _ which it overran on Aug. 2 _ is now part of Iraq.
  30. Before federation each emirate had its own utility and it was assumed that the newly set-up MEW would take responsibility for the whole country. It never came about.
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