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 emasculate [ɪ'mæskjə`let]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 阉割, 使柔弱

a. 阉割了的, 柔弱的

  1. As for those agitators, I wish they would go the whole way and emasculate themselves!
    12 恨不得那搅乱你们的人,把自己割绝了。
  2. We had enough support to put through our basic program but its opponents were sufficiently powerful to emasculate it.
  3. The dodgy recruitment drive is the latest phase of a campaign to emasculate Mr Yushchenko, which began at the start of the unlikely cohabitation of the two Viktors.


Emasculate \E*mas"cu*late\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Emasculated};
p. pr. & vb. n. {Emasculating}.] [L. emasculare; e + masculus
male, masculine. See {Male} masculine.]
1. To deprive of virile or procreative power; to castrate
power; to castrate; to geld.

2. To deprive of masculine vigor or spirit; to weaken; to
render effeminate; to vitiate by unmanly softness.

Luxury had not emasculated their minds. --V. Knox.

emasculate \e*mas"cu*late\, a.
Deprived of virility or vigor; unmanned; weak. ``Emasculate
slave.'' --Hammond.

  1. She has sought to emasculate labor unions, sell off state-owned industries and curb the powers of left-wing local authorities.
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