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 egret ['igrɛt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 白鹭

  1. The Huizhou City tertiary industry is expanding by leaps and bounds, the area project, Yajule egret lake tourist area, Baoli Luofu mountain county tour synthesize a project, xun shack coast the project touring after18 items, p
  2. The performances on the list of weekly activities of each province in May include The Water-Sprinkling Festival, a dance presented by Yunnan Provincial Song and Dance Ensemble, a song drama Boundless Prairie and a Concert of Famous Chinese and Foreign Son

[ noun ]
any of various usually white herons having long plumes during breeding season

Egret \E"gret\, n. [See {Aigret}, {Heron}.]
1. (Zo["o]l.) The name of several species of herons which
bear plumes on the back. They are generally white. Among
the best known species are the American egret ({Ardea
egretta} syn. {Herodias egretta}); the great egret ({Ardea
alba}); the little egret ({Ardea garzetta}), of Europe;
and the American snowy egret ({Ardea candidissima}).

A bunch of egrets killed for their plumage. --G. W.

2. A plume or tuft of feathers worn as a part of a headdress,
or anything imitating such an ornament; an aigrette.

3. (Bot.) The flying feathery or hairy crown of seeds or
achenes, as the down of the thistle.

4. (Zo["o]l.) A kind of ape.

  1. Bird identification books littered their van and three hours of travel with them showed their love for mastering the coughs that will draw out a clapper rail and for whipping out binoculars fast enough to spot a snowy egret.
  2. Carcasses of some dead pelicans and several sickened birds, including a snowy egret, were being studied at the veterinary hospital at the University of Florida in Gainesville.
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