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 easy-to-use 添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. It provides an easy-to-use, high-level interface to relational data.
  2. This study proposes an easy-to-use model for firms to create their own values.
  3. A Fax and Answering Machine Software with remote control. Easy-to-Use Interface.

  1. It can be locked for extra off-road traction. All these functions are under the control of a single, easy-to-use lever that also selects high and low range in the transfer gearbox.
  2. The new material combines a liquid crystal polymer for reinforcement with easy-to-use thermoplastic.
  3. The most significant problem for Apple is its eroding position as the biggest supplier of easy-to-use computers, a position that has allowed it to charge substantially higher prices than competitors like IBM and Compaq Computers.
  4. A major worry is that cheap, easy-to-use chemical weapons will become attractive to other Third World nations.
  5. Metaphor's "innovative" system will provide an easy-to-use interface for many of IBM's "often arcane and forbidding" databases, said Richard Shaffer, editor of Technologic Computer Letter, an industry newsletter.
  6. Camera industry specialists had anticipated the Kodak action, citing problems with picture quality from the disks as well as the increasing popularity of easy-to-use 35mm cameras.
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