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 drowsy ['draʊzɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 昏昏欲睡的

[医] 倦睡的, 瞌睡的

  1. He thought of home, of drowsy fields and villages bathed by the sun.
  2. Half asleep; drowsy.
  3. It's a drowsy summer afternoon.

drowsier, drowsiest
[ adj ]
  1. half asleep

  2. <adj.all>
    made drowsy by the long ride
    it seemed a pity to disturb the drowsing (or dozing) professor
    a tired dozy child
    the nodding (or napping) grandmother in her rocking chair
  3. showing lack of attention or boredom

  4. <adj.all>
    the yawning congregation

Drowsy \Drow"sy\, a. [Compar. {Drowsier}; superl. {Drowsiest}.]
1. Inclined to drowse; heavy with sleepiness; lethargic;
dozy. ``When I am drowsy.'' --Shak.

Dapples the drowsy east with spots of gray. --Shak.

To our age's drowsy blood
Still shouts the inspiring sea. --Lowell.

2. Disposing to sleep; lulling; soporific.

The drowsy hours, dispensers of all good.

3. Dull; stupid. `` Drowsy reasoning.'' --Atterbury.

Syn: Sleepy; lethargic; dozy; somnolent; comatose; dull
heavy; stupid.

  1. Outside this drowsy town, a hodgepodge of huts, overgrown with rambling purple creepers, is all that's left of "the camp of slow death" _ once the most feared prison of Portugal's African empire.
  2. She left Joshua with her boyfriend, Raymond Leet, who was unaware of the beating and noticed only that the boy seemed drowsy.
  3. An attempt to inject a little life into the traditionally drowsy world of cricket has unleashed a monster.
  4. Residents said the fire woke them up, and many were still drowsy and confused.
  5. Ms. Shaw said her son had been drowsy and was lying in bed in a front bedroom. "I knocked on the door and told him to remember to shut everything off because he has a habit of leaving the iron on," she said.
  6. Now there's a thought to keep drowsy Americans awake.
  7. But the media acted as if Mr. Reagan were spending a drowsy, inconsequential weekend with Nancy at Camp David.
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