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 drainage ['drenɪdʒ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 排水

[医] 引流[法], 导液[法], 排水[设备]

  1. The drainage system has been aged.
  2. The city was even equipped with a drainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets.
  3. He came to look at the drainage.

[ noun ]
emptying something accomplished by allowing liquid to run out of it

Drainage \Drain"age\, n.
1. A draining; a gradual flowing off of any liquid; also,
that which flows out of a drain.

2. The mode in which the waters of a country pass off by its
streams and rivers.

3. (Engin.) The system of drains and their operation, by
which superfluous water is removed from towns, railway
beds, mines, and other works.

4. Area or district drained; as, the drainage of the Po, the
Thames, etc. --Latham.

5. (Surg.) The act, process, or means of drawing off the pus
or fluids from a wound, abscess, etc.

{Drainage tube} (Surg.), a tube introduced into a wound,
etc., to draw off the discharges.

  1. About 40 smaller lightning-caused fires burned Friday in the Flathead River drainage of northwestern Montana.
  2. The toads probably came from a nearby drainage canal, he said. Toad invasions occur occasionally, Rice said, but the reasons for sudden surges in toad population are unclear.
  3. It also found that 60 percent supported the Immigration and Naturalization Service's plan to build a four-mile drainage ditch in a desert area of San Diego County to stop motorists from speeding across unpatrolled border areas.
  4. Shell had ignored a federal requirement to monitor the drainage system before making discharges, allong discharges to go directly into state waters.
  5. Metals from mine drainage poison 20 percent of West Virginia's streams, and 13 percent are too acid from the drainage or too alkaline from overzealous treatment, according to a state report last month.
  6. Metals from mine drainage poison 20 percent of West Virginia's streams, and 13 percent are too acid from the drainage or too alkaline from overzealous treatment, according to a state report last month.
  7. Today, there are 1,400 miles of drainage canals, diverting 970bn gallons of water a year.
  8. 'No, cheeky,' she simpers, 'I am talking manual lymph drainage and compression bandaging.
  9. "It appears to be connected with high concentrations of selenium, mercury and other toxic elements in agricultural runoff and drainage from mines and power plants," he said.
  10. Even when equipped with septic tanks, many yards end up with contaminated soil due to poor drainage and lots too small to absorb the waste.
  11. They said they had only been told the ditch, about 25 miles southeast of downtown San Diego, was meant to improve drainage.
  12. In prolonged dry weather, however, drainage ditches couldn't hold enough water to keep the soil moist, so some farmers began pumping water into the ditches from streams or wells.
  13. Sharp drainage sub-lily is an inviolable rule.
  14. The battle to preserve the channel of this constantly silting river was a long one, culminating in the canalisation of the final stretch from Chester to the sea, significantly improving the drainage of the adjacent farmland.
  15. The US army sprayed toxic chemicals, bombed and napalmed the area and dug drainage canals to kill the forests.
  16. Sims listed roads, sewers, water, schools, open space and surface water drainage as key services that would have to be in place before ground is broken for a project.
  17. Body believed found late Thursday in a drainage ditch in nearby Greece.
  18. Even now, we can usefully surround them with a layer of gravel to sharpen drainage until spring. On a larger scale, I find the problem more perplexing.
  19. Fit a hose connection to the bath drainage pipe before it joins the sewer.
  20. A portion of construction repair work at an Interstate 10 drainage structure collapsed Tuesday, injuring at least eight people, authorities said.
  21. Forestation, mechanical cutting of peat turf and drainage are fast eating away the age-old sanctuaries for plants, insects and birds.
  22. Perhaps crop rotation was required, or drainage, or summer fallow.
  23. A man died after falling from a Chevron oil platform off of Louisiana and two Bryan teen-agers drowned when they were sucked into a flood-swollen drainage ditch.
  24. Mr. Verity, bidding to make Armco less dependent on the cyclical steel business, engineered the company's diversification into far-flung businesses ranging from insurance to leasing to drainage pipe.
  25. The agricultural drainage is damaging the Everglades marshes in western Palm Beach and Broward counties, and could pose a long-term threat to local water supplies, scientists have said.
  26. Powerful thunderstorms dumped up to 16 inches of rain in the New Orleans area in a 24-hour period ending Tuesday night, flooding streets, knocking out power to thousands of homes and killing a child who fell into a drainage canal.
  27. A man who fell into an 8-foot-deep drainage culvert lived there for a week without food, water or sleep but said he never gave up hope he would survive.
  28. The plane hit a levee and crashed in a drainage canal about 300 to 400 yards west of Louisiana Highway 1, about 40 miles south of New Orleans, Breaux said.
  29. Lee, who was a ranch foreman and lived on the property, was on open ground next to a drainage ditch leading to the Kissimmee River when he was killed, authorities said.
  30. The bus crossed the median and went into a drainage ditch.
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