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 diversified [daɪ'vɚsə`faɪd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 多样化的, 各种的

  1. Our factory diversified several years ago.
  2. Some publishers are now diversifying into software.
  3. and diversified,

[ adj ]
having variety of character or form or components; or having increased variety
a diversified musical program ranging from classical to moderndiversified farming
diversified manufacturing
diversified scenery
diversified investments

Diversified \Di*ver"si*fied\, a.
Distinguished by various forms, or by a variety of aspects or
objects; variegated; as, diversified scenery or landscape.

Diversify \Di*ver"si*fy\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Diversified}; p.
pr. & vb. n. {Diversifying}.] [F. diversifier, LL.
diversificare, fr. L. diversus diverse + ficare (in comp.),
akin to facere to make. See {Diverse}.]
To make diverse or various in form or quality; to give
variety to; to variegate; to distinguish by numerous
differences or aspects.

Separated and diversified on from another. --Locke.

Its seven colors, that diversify all the face of
nature. --I. Taylor.

  1. The purchase would be a relatively low-cost alternative to building new plants, a company spokesman said. The Portland, Ore., diversified utility has operations in seven states.
  2. Du Pont, which is more diversified, is expected to earn from about 35 cents a share to 55 cents a share, before charges.
  3. St. Louis-based Monsanto, a diversified company that also owns Searle pharmaceuticals, reported net income of $126 million, or $1.88 per share, on sales of $2.06 billion.
  4. However, Claiborne has already diversified into everything from menswear to large sizes, and some question how much further the seemingly ubiquitous Liz label can be stretched.
  5. Natural fires "Are very important to keep species diversified.
  6. But he says Gerber originally diversified because "a baby's tummy isn't infinitely expandable."
  7. Earnings at Molson Companies, the diversified Canadian consumer products group, were little changed in fiscal 1994.
  8. The No. 1 auto maker is expected to lose nearly $3 billion overall this year, with exceptionally heavy losses in North American auto operations offsetting profits overseas and in diversified businesses.
  9. Canada's culture, which is in some sense even more diversified than that of the U.S., shows no signs of damage from proximity to the U.S.
  10. The major diversified beverage company said its 1990 pretax profit rose 23%, at the top end of market forecasts.
  11. Forstmann, a private New York leveraged buyout firm with diversified corporate holdings, acquired Lear Siegler in 1986 for $2.1 billion.
  12. The would-be vendor is American Brands, the diversified US consumer products group that is American Tobacco's parent. Both BAT and American Brands are keen to complete the deal.
  13. Among the obvious, vastly improved public education, diversified industry, better use of the fertile land, a public welfare and health system that actually reaches the needy.
  14. Without that trade, struggling peasant artisans have adopted themes of protest, and have diversified into producing cheap artifacts for government military men, who now occupy the isolated mountain area with tanks and rifles.
  15. In the merchant-banking sector, the diversified character of some firms may dissuade buyers: UBS backed away from Hill Samuel because the big Swiss bank didn't want Hill Samuel's insurance, ship-broking and other units.
  16. The diversified oil, gas and minerals company said it currently doesn't plan to name a new vice president for federal and international relations to succeed Mr. Gavin.
  17. One analyst noted that Krupp's performance continues to be strongly affected by its steel operations and that two other big German steelmakers, Thyssen AG and Hoesch AG, have diversified further into non-steel operations in recent years.
  18. All of these sectors are continuing to provide a solid, diversified economic base for our state, which will enable us to climb out of our current difficulties.
  19. Mr. Wood said he is somewhat concerned the retirement plan isn't diversified enough.
  20. Lynn L. Phares, director of public relations for this diversified food company, was named to the new post of vice president, public relations.
  21. Mr. Wilson said Nova has "blossomed into a world-scale diversified petrochemical company" with the acquisition of Polysar.
  22. "In a deregulated, diversified market, there's no need for YPF," he says.
  23. "We were too diversified to be competitive in today's environment," says William Stinson, who took over as chief executive in 1985 and is credited with the company's makeover.
  24. Multifoods, with fiscal 1989 sales of $1.9 billion, is a diversified food company with major operations in the United States, Canada and Venezuela.
  25. Cotgrave and Calverton - the latter is on the review list - are on the fringe of the diversified Nottingham city economy.
  26. The company is a diversified electronics manufacturer.
  27. What matters is that the stocks recommended by your pros tend to be substantially riskier than a diversified portfolio.
  28. While precious metal futures prices slipped yesterday, diversified metal mining concerns and copper and aluminum mining share prices were bolstered by continuing advances in copper and aluminum futures prices.
  29. It is polymetallic (40 per cent of current income comes from zinc, 28 per cent from copper, 20 per cent from silver and 11 per cent from lead) so income is diversified and partially protected from price fluctuations.
  30. Mr. Poett, 48 years old, formerly was president of closely held Wilsey, Bennett Co., a San Francisco-based diversified food products company.
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