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 discomfort [dɪs'kʌmfɚt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 困苦, 不适

[医] 不舒适, 不舒, 烦闷, 不快活

  1. She still suffers considerable discomfort from her injury.
  2. I was unhappy because of the discomforts of travel.
  3. Capable of easing pain or discomfort.

[ noun ]
  1. the state of being tense and feeling pain

  2. <noun.state>
  3. an uncomfortable feeling of mental painfulness or distress

  4. <noun.feeling>

Discomfort \Dis*com"fort\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Discomforted};
p. pr. & vb. n. {Discomforting}.] [OF. desconforter, F.
d['e]conforter, to discourage; pref. des- (L dis-) +
conforter. See {Comfort}.]
1. To discourage; to deject.

His funeral shall not be in our camp,
Lest it discomfort us. --Shak.

2. To destroy or disturb the comfort of; to deprive of quiet
enjoyment; to make uneasy; to pain; as, a smoky chimney
discomforts a family.

Discomfort \Dis*com"fort\, n. [OF. desconfort, F. d['e]confort.
See {Discomfort}, v. t.]
1. Discouragement. [Obs.] --Shak.

2. Want of comfort; uneasiness, mental or physical;
disturbance of peace; inquietude; pain; distress; sorrow.
``An age of spiritual discomfort.'' --M. Arnold.

Strive against all the discomforts of thy
sufferings. --Bp. Hall.

  1. Doctors who operated on Iran's Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini said Sunday he suffered "discomfort in his heart," which was treated and relieved, Tehran television reported.
  2. Both Medco and National Data have previously issued statements indicating discomfort with terms of the plan.
  3. As for having such hordes seeking to trample over him, 'it's uncomfortable, but the discomfort was expected.' Perhaps it should be called 'The Beautiful and the Dammed'.
  4. And even as they joined in approving the compromise, senators signaled discomfort with some of the choices made.
  5. Surgeons who have used the implants say early results are encouraging though minor discomfort may linger for several weeks.
  6. The attitude toward Iraq's opposition is of a piece with the Bush administration's evident discomfort with all popular rebellions.
  7. And the third involves discomfort or pain without anesthesia because its use would interfere with the purpose of the research.
  8. Lawmakers' discomfort is mirrored in a new nationwide Wall Street Journal/NBC poll that shows strong public opposition to the court decision.
  9. Some doctors and parents control the behavior through aversion techniques that use pain or discomfort to cause the patient to change actions.
  10. But it is a central theme of Jackson's own campaign, his promise to raise taxes on the wealthy, that could cause the most discomfort for Dukakis and party chieftains.
  11. "Other than mild eye discomfort, Mrs. Bush has felt fine and kept her usual active schedule," her press office said in a statement.
  12. Mrs. Smith said her discomfort with the label is that "we have never defined `natural.'
  13. Rain has poured down all morning, but as the trail dips into rain forest, any thoughts of discomfort vanish amid the lush undergrowth.
  14. Mr. Gray's resignation from the House also highlights the discomfort that many blacks feel in public life, even in positions of power.
  15. He can be gruff and impatient, as lawyers who appear before the court have learned to their discomfort.
  16. But pressed a bit over a sushi tray in the Village, he admits to lingering discomfort with the politicized strictures of his present genre.
  17. Thus, the lower housing starts, which the White House characterized as "disappointing," increased the discomfort, as did a further weakening in the U.S. dollar.
  18. To State's discomfort, the Canadians' discovery surfaced just as Iraq was producing evidence that the Iranians were using American-made scuba equipment for military operations in the war zone near Basra.
  19. But the prospect of 3m unemployed provides more fertile ground. Mr John Smith will maximise the discomfort.
  20. "He wasn't moaning or turning over in pain or anything, but I could tell there was discomfort," Jackson spokesman Bob Jones said after seeing the entertainer at St. John's Hospital and Health Center.
  21. His government is already committed to gradual tax cuts, of about 8% this year and 5% in each of the next two years, but as Mr. Chirac is finding to the discomfort of stranded commuters, loosening rigidities is a painful process.
  22. "A pain in the belly is a pain in the belly and not a discomfort in the abdomen" was one of his comments.
  23. Election year discomfort among Republicans was obvious Tuesday after President Bush's lips moved and taxes suddenly appeared on the budget negotiating table.
  24. One participant, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Souter listened to the advice and indicated there was nothing in his past to cause him discomfort.
  25. The greatest discomfort, however, will be felt in the Anglo American Corporation, which effectively controls almost a quarter of the quoted South African market.
  26. The suspicion and discomfort that knee-jerk affirmative action generates on campuses exists across the political spectrum, but most of the potential combatants are unwilling to fire the first shot.
  27. He is too comfortable with himself, which makes the discomfort he inflicts on others unacceptable; less a rigorous crusade for truth than mandarin contempt for inferiors.
  28. Kohl reiterated his discomfort over a Soviet suggestion that German unity could come before all the international military complexities are worked out.
  29. Her discomfort showed to home viewers, regardless of its joyful reception by her 400-plus live audience, and got things off to a threatening start.
  30. But he, as well as Mrs. Bush and White House aides, took care to stress Mr. Bush's overall high spirits and lack of discomfort.
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