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 diabetes mellitus 添加此单词到默认生词本
【医】 糖尿病

    diabetes mellitus
    [ noun ]
    diabetes caused by a relative or absolute deficiency of insulin and characterized by polyuria
    when doctors say `diabetes' they usually mean `diabetes mellitus'

    diabetes \di`a*be"tes\, n. [NL., from Gr. ?, fr. ? to pass or
    cross over. See {Diabase}.] (Med.)
    Any of several diseases which is attended with a persistent,
    excessive discharge of urine; when used without
    qualification, the term usually refers to {diabetes
    mellitus}. The most common form is {diabetes mellitus}, in
    which the urine is not only increased in quantity, but
    contains saccharine matter, and the condition if untreated is
    generally fatal.

    Note: The two major subtypes recognized are

    {diabetes insipidus} and

    {diabetes mellitus}. In {diabetes insipidus} there is
    excretion of large amounts of urine of relatively low
    density, accompanied by extreme thirst, but the urine
    contains no abnormal constituent. The more serious form
    {diabetes mellitus} (from Latin mellitus, sweetened with
    honey) is a metabolic disease in which the utilization of
    carbohydrate is reduced and that of lipids and proteins is
    increased. This form is caused by a deficiency in insulin
    (which is mostly formed in the pancreas), and may be
    accompanied by glucosuria, hyperglycemia, elecrolyte loss,
    ketoacidosis, and sometimes coma. It has severe long-term
    effects, including damage to the nerves, the retina, and
    the kidney, and degeneration of blood vessels which may
    lead to poor circulation, especially in the limbs,
    subsequent infection, and eventual loss of limbs.
    Diabetes mellitus itself has recognized variants, being
    divided into {insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus} and
    {non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus}.
    Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is also called
    {adult-onset diabetes} (abbreviated NIDDM), and is the
    less severe form of diabetes mellitus, occurring mostly in
    obese individuals over the age of 35. It may be treated by
    diet and oral hypoglycemic agents, though occasionally
    serious degenerative effects may develop.
    Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (abbreviated IDDM),
    also called {type I diabetes}, is a severe form of the
    disease, usually starting when the affected person is
    young (hence also called {juvenile-onset diabetes}). In
    addition to the increased urine (polyuria) common to all
    forms of diabetes, this form is characterized by low
    levels of insulin in the blood, ketoacidosis, increased
    appetite, and increased fluid intake, and may lead to
    weight loss and eventually the severe degenerative effects
    mentioned above. Treatment requires administration of
    insulin and careful regulation of the diet. --Stedman

    {Diabetes mellitus} [NL., sweet diabetes], that form of
    diabetes in which the urine contains saccharine matter.

    {Diabetes insipidus} [NL., lit., diabetes], the form of
    diabetes in which the urine contains no abnormal

    diabetes \di`a*be"tes\, n. [NL., from Gr. ?, fr. ? to pass or
    cross over. See {Diabase}.] (Med.)
    Any of several diseases which is attended with a persistent,
    excessive discharge of urine; when used without
    qualification, the term usually refers to {diabetes
    mellitus}. The most common form is {diabetes mellitus}, in
    which the urine is not only increased in quantity, but
    contains saccharine matter, and the condition if untreated is
    generally fatal.

    Note: The two major subtypes recognized are

    {diabetes insipidus} and

    {diabetes mellitus}. In {diabetes insipidus} there is
    excretion of large amounts of urine of relatively low
    density, accompanied by extreme thirst, but the urine
    contains no abnormal constituent. The more serious form
    {diabetes mellitus} (from Latin mellitus, sweetened with
    honey) is a metabolic disease in which the utilization of
    carbohydrate is reduced and that of lipids and proteins is
    increased. This form is caused by a deficiency in insulin
    (which is mostly formed in the pancreas), and may be
    accompanied by glucosuria, hyperglycemia, elecrolyte loss,
    ketoacidosis, and sometimes coma. It has severe long-term
    effects, including damage to the nerves, the retina, and
    the kidney, and degeneration of blood vessels which may
    lead to poor circulation, especially in the limbs,
    subsequent infection, and eventual loss of limbs.
    Diabetes mellitus itself has recognized variants, being
    divided into {insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus} and
    {non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus}.
    Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is also called
    {adult-onset diabetes} (abbreviated NIDDM), and is the
    less severe form of diabetes mellitus, occurring mostly in
    obese individuals over the age of 35. It may be treated by
    diet and oral hypoglycemic agents, though occasionally
    serious degenerative effects may develop.
    Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (abbreviated IDDM),
    also called {type I diabetes}, is a severe form of the
    disease, usually starting when the affected person is
    young (hence also called {juvenile-onset diabetes}). In
    addition to the increased urine (polyuria) common to all
    forms of diabetes, this form is characterized by low
    levels of insulin in the blood, ketoacidosis, increased
    appetite, and increased fluid intake, and may lead to
    weight loss and eventually the severe degenerative effects
    mentioned above. Treatment requires administration of
    insulin and careful regulation of the diet. --Stedman

    {Diabetes mellitus} [NL., sweet diabetes], that form of
    diabetes in which the urine contains saccharine matter.

    {Diabetes insipidus} [NL., lit., diabetes], the form of
    diabetes in which the urine contains no abnormal

    diabetes \di`a*be"tes\, n. [NL., from Gr. ?, fr. ? to pass or
    cross over. See {Diabase}.] (Med.)
    Any of several diseases which is attended with a persistent,
    excessive discharge of urine; when used without
    qualification, the term usually refers to {diabetes
    mellitus}. The most common form is {diabetes mellitus}, in
    which the urine is not only increased in quantity, but
    contains saccharine matter, and the condition if untreated is
    generally fatal.

    Note: The two major subtypes recognized are

    {diabetes insipidus} and

    {diabetes mellitus}. In {diabetes insipidus} there is
    excretion of large amounts of urine of relatively low
    density, accompanied by extreme thirst, but the urine
    contains no abnormal constituent. The more serious form
    {diabetes mellitus} (from Latin mellitus, sweetened with
    honey) is a metabolic disease in which the utilization of
    carbohydrate is reduced and that of lipids and proteins is
    increased. This form is caused by a deficiency in insulin
    (which is mostly formed in the pancreas), and may be
    accompanied by glucosuria, hyperglycemia, elecrolyte loss,
    ketoacidosis, and sometimes coma. It has severe long-term
    effects, including damage to the nerves, the retina, and
    the kidney, and degeneration of blood vessels which may
    lead to poor circulation, especially in the limbs,
    subsequent infection, and eventual loss of limbs.
    Diabetes mellitus itself has recognized variants, being
    divided into {insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus} and
    {non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus}.
    Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is also called
    {adult-onset diabetes} (abbreviated NIDDM), and is the
    less severe form of diabetes mellitus, occurring mostly in
    obese individuals over the age of 35. It may be treated by
    diet and oral hypoglycemic agents, though occasionally
    serious degenerative effects may develop.
    Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (abbreviated IDDM),
    also called {type I diabetes}, is a severe form of the
    disease, usually starting when the affected person is
    young (hence also called {juvenile-onset diabetes}). In
    addition to the increased urine (polyuria) common to all
    forms of diabetes, this form is characterized by low
    levels of insulin in the blood, ketoacidosis, increased
    appetite, and increased fluid intake, and may lead to
    weight loss and eventually the severe degenerative effects
    mentioned above. Treatment requires administration of
    insulin and careful regulation of the diet. --Stedman

    {Diabetes mellitus} [NL., sweet diabetes], that form of
    diabetes in which the urine contains saccharine matter.

    {Diabetes insipidus} [NL., lit., diabetes], the form of
    diabetes in which the urine contains no abnormal

    diabetes \di`a*be"tes\, n. [NL., from Gr. ?, fr. ? to pass or
    cross over. See {Diabase}.] (Med.)
    Any of several diseases which is attended with a persistent,
    excessive discharge of urine; when used without
    qualification, the term usually refers to {diabetes
    mellitus}. The most common form is {diabetes mellitus}, in
    which the urine is not only increased in quantity, but
    contains saccharine matter, and the condition if untreated is
    generally fatal.

    Note: The two major subtypes recognized are

    {diabetes insipidus} and

    {diabetes mellitus}. In {diabetes insipidus} there is
    excretion of large amounts of urine of relatively low
    density, accompanied by extreme thirst, but the urine
    contains no abnormal constituent. The more serious form
    {diabetes mellitus} (from Latin mellitus, sweetened with
    honey) is a metabolic disease in which the utilization of
    carbohydrate is reduced and that of lipids and proteins is
    increased. This form is caused by a deficiency in insulin
    (which is mostly formed in the pancreas), and may be
    accompanied by glucosuria, hyperglycemia, elecrolyte loss,
    ketoacidosis, and sometimes coma. It has severe long-term
    effects, including damage to the nerves, the retina, and
    the kidney, and degeneration of blood vessels which may
    lead to poor circulation, especially in the limbs,
    subsequent infection, and eventual loss of limbs.
    Diabetes mellitus itself has recognized variants, being
    divided into {insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus} and
    {non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus}.
    Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is also called
    {adult-onset diabetes} (abbreviated NIDDM), and is the
    less severe form of diabetes mellitus, occurring mostly in
    obese individuals over the age of 35. It may be treated by
    diet and oral hypoglycemic agents, though occasionally
    serious degenerative effects may develop.
    Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (abbreviated IDDM),
    also called {type I diabetes}, is a severe form of the
    disease, usually starting when the affected person is
    young (hence also called {juvenile-onset diabetes}). In
    addition to the increased urine (polyuria) common to all
    forms of diabetes, this form is characterized by low
    levels of insulin in the blood, ketoacidosis, increased
    appetite, and increased fluid intake, and may lead to
    weight loss and eventually the severe degenerative effects
    mentioned above. Treatment requires administration of
    insulin and careful regulation of the diet. --Stedman

    {Diabetes mellitus} [NL., sweet diabetes], that form of
    diabetes in which the urine contains saccharine matter.

    {Diabetes insipidus} [NL., lit., diabetes], the form of
    diabetes in which the urine contains no abnormal

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