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 detest [di'test]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 厌恶, 憎恨

  1. She detests having to talk to people at parties.
  2. I detest people who tell lies.
  3. I detest all affectation.

[ verb ]
dislike intensely; feel antipathy or aversion towards
<verb.emotion> hate
I hate Mexican foodShe detests politicians

Detest \De*test"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Detested}; p. pr. & vb.
n. {Detesting}.] [L. detestare, detestatum, and detestari, to
curse while calling a deity to witness, to execrate, detest;
de + testari to be a witness, testify, testis a witness: cf.
F. d['e]tester. See {Testify}.]
1. To witness against; to denounce; to condemn. [Obs.]

The heresy of Nestorius . . . was detested in the
Eastern churches. --Fuller.

God hath detested them with his own mouth. --Bale.

2. To hate intensely; to abhor; to abominate; to loathe; as,
we detest what is contemptible or evil.

Who dares think one thing, and another tell,
My heart detests him as the gates of hell. --Pope.

Syn: To abhor; abominate; execrate. See {Hate}.

  1. "I detest drugs," Rodriguez said. "I swear as a Catholic and as a family man, I swear on my children, I have no connections with drugs," Rodriguez told The Associated Press.
  2. Though they may detest drugs, they are powerless to influence a police force and judicial system that won't do much about them.
  3. How can anyone blame the senator's wife for detesting a creature that any sane and civilized person would also detest?
  4. I am a federalist, as it happens, if only because I detest and fear tribalism and nationalism. The great thing that can be said for western Europe, 50 years after D-Day, is that we are not ripping each other's throats out.
  5. Many Koreans detest the man who ruled with an iron fist for more than seven years.
  6. The comments had been made to win votes, not because they were sincerely believed. 'This is a form of politics that I detest,' he said.
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