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 detente [dei'tɑ:nt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (国际关系)缓和

[法] 缓和, 和好

  1. Many people say that detente is now a dead letter.
  2. Is this not another proof that the so-called detente is just empty talk?
  3. He warned against a fake detente that would sap resistance to expansionism.

[ noun ]
the easing of tensions or strained relations (especially between nations)

detente \detente\ (d[asl]*t[aum]nt"), n.
the easing of tensions or strained relations (especially
between nations), as by agreement, negotiation, or tacit
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]

  1. This official says Mr. Gorbachev's goal is to gain a detente that "would allow enough stability, security and predictability in foreign relations to allow him to get on with his economic reforms at home, helped by Western credits and technology.
  2. But the recent warming of relations between Seoul and Moscow, reflecting East-West detente and Soviet recognition of South Korea's growing economic power, has given hope to Sakhalin exiles.
  3. "That was during the detente period.
  4. During the budding of detente in 1969, the Nixon administration lulled itself into believing that a favor granted to the Soviets would be reciprocated.
  5. "The council considers the American threats as a factor of tension itself threatening the international climate of detente and peace that Arab states are trying to support and consolidate," read the resolution, which was unanimously adopted.
  6. Former President Nixon talked about what we're going to do after detente and arms control, and how we're going to pursue new arms control with the Soviet Union.
  7. Radical Syria, which needs Lebanon as a security buffer between itself and Israel, is likely to come under pressure from Moscow to moderate its stand on the overall Middle East settlement as detente improves.
  8. It was the Harmel Report that identified the twin themes of seeking to establish an East-West detente while maintaining strong defenses.
  9. "I'm an advocate of detente in principle, but I've never been as uneasy as I am now," says former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who helped negotiate earlier arms-control agreements.
  10. It was conceived as a Cold War tool, but U.S. officials said it was also valuable in the era of detente.
  11. At times, he seems to have almost mesmerized Western publics with the prospect of detente with his adversaries abroad and the trappings of glasnost at home.
  12. And via Reed and Falk, we have Wenders re-airing his love-hate feelings about American pop culture. The movie's aim is to be a massive fable about detente.
  13. It would be an exaggeration to say peace is breaking out all over; the signs of detente remain tentative, and there is no guarantee that any of them will lead to bigger things.
  14. But then, Mr. Phillips's favorite "populist" has always been Richard Nixon, with his wage-and-price controls, food stamps and detente.
  15. Speaking to a high school crowd in Jacksonville, Fla., on Tuesday, the president contrasted his own negotiations with the Soviets with the detente of the 1970s.
  16. "The large number of arrests confirms that instead of refraining from activating agents in a time of detente, the East bloc is intensifying its espionage activities," Interior Minister Friedrich Zimmermann told reporters after the March sweep.
  17. Much of their voter appeal rests on their role as the guardian of detente within the West German government.
  18. Speaking with reporters later, Pozsgay said the superpower talks would further detente and strengthen perestroika, the process of economic reform, in the Soviet Union.
  19. The seeds of what came to be called detente were planted during his tenure. In 1968, the Nuclear non-proliferation treaty was signed.
  20. The treaty was a step toward disarmament, but "the dangerous course of events has not yet been radically changed toward detente, cooperation and peace," the Romanian leader said.
  21. Over the short term, the "detente" policy toward the Soviets was a disappointment.
  22. That should give her time to learn "Moscow Nights," the siren song of detente performed so stirringly at the White House by Raisa Gorbachev.
  23. "One cannot put up with the human rights theme being exploited to foment enmity in state-to-state relations and sabotage the processes of disarmament and detente," wrote Tass commentator Sergei Staroselsky.
  24. U.S. OFFICIALS HOPE an arms-control accord will lead to detente with Moscow.
  25. In the other, their economy nears collapse and they reach out, not for peace, but for Western technology and other economic assistance through "detente."
  26. Chou sat silently when others applauded Brezhnev's reference to detente with the West, and snubbed his hosts by laying a wreath on the tomb of Stalin, who was still a hero in China.
  27. Compared with the Reagan-era thaw, Ford's detente was a chill.
  28. The emigration issue is only one consequence of the new detente, which many Arabs believe seriously undermines their strategy against Israel.
  29. "We were there from the first days of detente in the early '70s, when we were expecting more U.S. investment," Mr. Hoffman said.
  30. Image-building was also a primary concern in the detente of the 1970s.
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