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 deprived [dɪ'praɪvd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 穷困的, 丧失了受良好教育权利的, 贫穷的

  1. A man without an education, many of us believe, is an unfortunate victim of adverse circumstances deprived of one of the greatest twenty-century opportunities.
  2. What will a student do if he were deprived of his books?
  3. They are deprived of their rights as citizens.

[ adj ]
marked by deprivation especially of the necessities of life or healthful environmental influences
a childhood that was unhappy and deprived, the family living off charityboys from a deprived environment, wherein the family life revealed a pattern of neglect, moral degradation, and disregard for law

Deprive \De*prive"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Deprived}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Depriving}.] [LL. deprivare, deprivatium, to divest
of office; L. de- + privare to bereave, deprive: cf. OF.
depriver. See {Private}.]
1. To take away; to put an end; to destroy. [Obs.]

'Tis honor to deprive dishonored life. --Shak.

2. To dispossess; to bereave; to divest; to hinder from
possessing; to debar; to shut out from; -- with a remoter
object, usually preceded by of.

God hath deprived her of wisdom. --Job xxxix.

It was seldom that anger deprived him of power over
himself. --Macaulay.

3. To divest of office; to depose; to dispossess of dignity,
especially ecclesiastical.

A minister deprived for inconformity. --Bacon.

Syn: To strip; despoil; rob; abridge.

deprived \deprived\ adj.
marked by deprivation especially of the necessities of life
or healthful environmental or social influences; as, a
childhood that was unhappy and deprived, the family living
off charity; boys from a deprived environment, wherein the
family life revealed a pattern of neglect, moral degradation,
and disregard for law.

Syn: disadvantaged.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. "He doesn't want to end 20 years on the bench with women all around the country shouting that he deprived them of money."
  2. "It's an outrage that people will be deprived of the opportunity to vote `yes' or `no' on this if the lawsuit succeeds," said Pat Fulton, spokeswoman for Florida English.
  3. His family's financial troubles deprived him of a full education and forced him back on the farm.
  4. Consumers today are "willing to do and have less without feeling deprived," declares Barbara Caplan, a vice president at the consulting firm.
  5. The reindeer, for example, so enjoys the salty taste of human urine, it would probably feel deprived of a delicacy if it were liberated into lonely loops around the North Pole.
  6. The suit also says Mrs. Hammer was fraudulently deprived an interest in thousands of shares of Occidental stock and millions of dollars in cash paid to Armand Hammer in salary and fringe benefits.
  7. The Justice Department has maintained that publishers who distribute both obscene and non-obscene videotapes should be deprived of their entire operations when illegal revenue has been commingled with lawful proceeds.
  8. "The allegation has been that the government did not wish to talk to them (the ANC and the Pan Africanist Congress) and that they are deprived of their right to normal political activity," de Klerk said.
  9. "You wonder how many people are deprived of their livelihoods because of these stupid little inaccuracies," she says, adding, "If they were representing me, I'd have them for malpractice."
  10. After the Bolsheviks took power in 1917, they deprived the church of all legal rights and imprisoned or executed thousands of priests.
  11. From 10 million to 12 million Soviets were deprived of certain rights or sent to labor camps because they lived in areas the Nazis occupied during the war.
  12. Some think "Cosi," with only six characters and very occasional chorus of townspeople, shouldn't be performed in a house as big as the Met. If that idea were followed, the Met audience would be greatly deprived.
  13. It was deprived of influence over policy making on the inside but never had the political independence it needed to produce radical ideas. A former Nedo chief economist recalls his work: 'We spent a lot of time inspecting a huge setting sun.
  14. Former hostage Frank Reed says his 14 Western comrades in Lebanon are forgotten, deprived, sick men whose plight is worsened by the new hostage crisis in the Persian Gulf. "God forbid they come out in a box," he said.
  15. But some important members of the 12-nation trading bloc see the yearnings of their deprived neighbors as both a benefit and danger to plans for an integrated European market.
  16. Absolute power and the cult were his twin props as he pursued nationalist policies, strayed from the Soviet line in foreign dealings and ultimately deprived his oppressed people of even life's basic necessities.
  17. Unfortunately, spectator appeal is determined largely by how much work the scoopers are allowed to do. If the horses don't cooperate, the scoopers may be deprived of the approving roar of the crowd.
  18. In Nagorno-Karabakh, which is still predominantly Armenian, the local population was long deprived of basic services and cultural activities like Armenian-language television and radio broadcasts, Armenians say.
  19. We must combine greater prosperity for the majority with measures to prevent the emergence of a deprived underclass excluded from the opportunity to work and dependent on welfare. The third priority is to strengthen the economy in the longer term.
  20. He also got a Pounds 3,100 grant from the Government's Making Belfast Work initiative specifically targetted at businesses in deprived areas of the city. His company's turnover was Pounds 10,000 in 1990/91, below the Pounds 12,000 target.
  21. "History shows that if alcoholics are deprived of one source of alcohol, they will simply find another, regardless of difficulty or cost," the Gallo spokesman said.
  22. Now Singapore residents will be effectively deprived of the Asian Journal as well.
  23. Supporters of the Bosnian government in Washington say it has been unfairly deprived of the chance to defend itself against a vastly better armed enemy. Even within the EU, there has been a struggle to co-ordinate policy over Bosnia.
  24. This explains why he is now spending much time in deprived urban districts, including one in Washington yesterday.
  25. 'It was a hell where men deprived of the means of suicide had been known to commit murder solely for the privilege of being taken in chains to Hobart and hanged - and thus escape.' If Australia itself was remote, Sarah Island was another planet.
  26. The sustained prosperity of both decades meant that the economy was deprived of those brief recessions that, like small tremors, can ease economic stress.
  27. If functions ranging from tax and customs administration to education and health continue to be deprived of adequate funding and subjected to capricious political interventions, overall economic performance will suffer.
  28. This year, budget cuts deprived guards of the $100-a-month premium for working in a maximum-security prison.
  29. But Franco left behind an economic mess, too: state-owned companies and sanctioned monopolies that protected workers and deprived consumers of choice.
  30. The change has deprived the garimpeiros of the huge exchange rate profits they previously made on smuggling. Finally, it has become increasingly difficult for small-time miners to work Bom Futuro.
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