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 defensible [dɪ'fɛnsəbl.]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 可防卫的, 可防护的, 可辩护的

[法] 可辩护的, 能防卫的

  1. The least defensible motive is vanity.
  2. Probably the best the present tenants can hope for is a fair share of" personal defensible space".
  3. Probably the best the present tenant can hope for being a fair share of" personal defensible space".

[ adj ]
capable of being defended

Defensible \De*fen"si*ble\, a. [Cf. F. d['e]fensable, LL.
defensabilis, defensibilis. See {Defense}, and cf.
1. Capable of being defended; as, a defensible city, or a
defensible cause.

2. Capable of offering defense. [Obs.] --Shak.

  1. It has moved from being the party of Europe to being the party of Europe-when-it-suits-us. If there really was a possibility of forcing a general election Labour's position might be defensible.
  2. In the case of Czechoslovak steel, for example, the duty rate was 30.4 per cent. If anything, the US action looks more defensible than the EC's.
  3. But there is no defensible argument for frustrating the healing action of the market and deliberately spreading an epidemic of insolvency through a state's financial system.
  4. The State Department view is that dropping the indictments against Noriega is a defensible bargaining position because he cannot be extradited so long as he remains in Panama.
  5. As pure scholarship this is not only defensible but admirable.
  6. Branded foods are more defensible.
  7. But lawyers said ESOPs are clearly defensible.
  8. Sir, In your editorial 'Way ahead for the ERM' (September 27), you suggested that there were only four intellectually defensible possibilities for the ERM.
  9. And what makes the Rockport artists' ongoing attempts at censorship all the less defensible is that they are not even based on principle.
  10. He has selected what he thinks are the least defensible ACLU policies.
  11. If the danger of reprisal against existing UN forces is held to inhibit such action, as British ministers have been arguing in recent days, then those forces should be reinforced and/or withdrawn to more defensible positions.
  12. But once one has abandoned the myth that each individual adult must receive an individual bill, for the sake of accountability, the latter element is hardly defensible.
  13. He said a formula must be found under which Israel would give back some of those territories but retain sufficient lands to guarantee it a defensible buffer zone.
  14. The second option, though still less popular, is also defensible.
  15. Since wild rubber trees grow scattered in primary forest, Mr. Mendes and his fellow tappers were its genuine protectors and, since they enjoyed legally defensible squatters' rights, they only could be dislodged by fraud and intimidation.
  16. But Japan's rice policy is no more or less defensible than U.S. sugar policy, and retaliation would set off a spiral of trade closing.
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