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 defect [dɪ'fɛkt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 缺点

[医] 缺损, 缺陷

  1. A defect in the fuel lines prevented the missile from blasting off.
  2. If it were not for this defect, I shall hire him at once.
  3. This was his fatal defect; he was of feeble will.

[ noun ]
  1. an imperfection in a bodily system

  2. <noun.state>
    visual defects
    this device permits detection of defects in the lungs
  3. a failing or deficiency

  4. <noun.attribute>
    that interpretation is an unfortunate defect of our lack of information
  5. an imperfection in an object or machine

  6. <noun.state>
    a flaw caused the crystal to shatter
    if there are any defects you should send it back to the manufacturer
  7. a mark or flaw that spoils the appearance of something (especially on a person's body)

  8. <noun.attribute>
    a facial blemish
[ verb ]
  1. desert (a cause, a country or an army), often in order to join the opposing cause, country, or army

  2. <verb.social> desert
    If soldiers deserted Hitler's army, they were shot

Defect \De*fect"\, n. [L. defectus, fr. deficere, defectum, to
desert, fail, be wanting; de- + facere to make, do. See
{Fact}, {Feat}, and cf. {Deficit}.]
1. Want or absence of something necessary for completeness or
perfection; deficiency; -- opposed to superfluity.

Errors have been corrected, and defects supplied.

2. Failing; fault; imperfection, whether physical or moral;
blemish; as, a defect in the ear or eye; a defect in
timber or iron; a defect of memory or judgment.

Trust not yourself; but, your defects to know,
Make use of every friend -- and every foe. --Pope.

Among boys little tenderness is shown to personal
defects. --Macaulay.

Syn: Deficiency; imperfection; blemish. See {Fault}.

Defect \De*fect"\, v. i.
To fail; to become deficient. [Obs.] ``Defected honor.''

2. to abandon one country or faction, and join another.

Defect \De*fect"\, v. t.
To injure; to damage. ``None can my life defect.'' [R.]
--Troubles of Q. Elizabeth (1639).

  1. "None of these investigations," the spokesman said, "has revealed any electric, electronic, mechanical problem or defect in any of our cars that could cause unintended acceleration."
  2. About one of every 3,500 male infants is born with the defect.
  3. "The formal safety defect investigation has been opened to prepare for a possible government-ordered recall," the safety agency said in announcing the inquiry.
  4. One unfortunate development has been the discovery that in addition to the one defect identified in Caucasians, more than 40 other kinds of mutations in the cystic fibrosis gene can also cause cystic fibrosis.
  5. His decision to defect didn't interfere with his play at the Lloyds Bank Masters tournament.
  6. A consumer group urged the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to open a defect investigation and, eventually, to recall 1986-1987 Honda Acura Legends because of alleged problems with sudden acceleration.
  7. Honda Motor Co. said it will recall 4,514 1988 Civic models for a defect that could cause the car to jump forward while idling at a stop.
  8. "The presence of the defect could be used as a diagnostic test for Alzheimer's disease," adds the report, written by nine British and French researchers.
  9. As a result of the discoveries, scientists now have genetic probes that will home in on the precise defect on the X chromosome, Dr. Sutherland said.
  10. The agency said it was opening a formal safety defect investigation "to prepare for a possible government-ordered recall." The probe covers 175,000 Chevrolet Camaros and Pontiac Firebirds from the 1982 through 1986 model years.
  11. Ms. Gibbs' attorney, James Hely, said the ruling demonstrates Audi's liability for a design defect.
  12. The defect blocks the aortic valve, making it unable to pump blood at the right pressure, leading to heart failure.
  13. "Once all his hair grows back the defect will be hardly noticeable," Skow said.
  14. It said a young woman worried that she was a silent carrier of the fragile-X defect because her sister had a fragile-X retarded son and a mildly retarded daughter.
  15. Arlena suffered from a heart defect and died following surgery Aug. 23, never knowing that doubts had been raised about her parentage.
  16. But Mr Ozawa says he is confident that younger politicians will defect from the LDP if reform is brought to a parliamentary vote next week. 'Political reform will definitely be decided this year.
  17. Meantime, the agency said it has ended a five-year investigation into alleged power-brake failure in GM's 1980 X-body cars, finding that "no defect trend" existed.
  18. Down's syndrome is a congenital defect that includes mental retardation and bowel and heart abnormalities.
  19. She may want to pursue her studies here." Devi told police a Cambodian man tried to abduct her at knifepoint in New York on Oct. 8 and told her he would kill her if she didn't defect.
  20. Federal safety officials said a possible defect in Nissan cars may cause seats to collapse backward without warning.
  21. The biggest defect in DOS has always been that it is single-user.
  22. The agency also closed six investigations with the conclusion there was "no defect trend." The cases involved unsubstantiated complaints of: _Seat-belt latch failure in the 1984 Ford Mustang.
  23. Page appeared strong at delivery, but doctors discovered the heart defect within 12 hours.
  24. The survey asked executives to weigh a number of factors in determining quality, including defect rates, liability and customer satisfaction, Kim said.
  25. With further experience and refinement, the test may make it possible to tell whether an unborn fetus with the fragile-X defect will be severely retarded or will simply have a mild learning disability.
  26. The company said it isn't aware of any injuries, accidents or fires caused by either defect.
  27. That lag could cause customers to defect to competitiors or postpone orders that would have gone to 3090s, hurting IBM's revenues.
  28. "As far as we're concerned, we're cooperating with them," Hartnett said. "Just because it is an engineering analysis and the petition has been granted certainly doesn't mean that there is a defect.
  29. The second phase, during which Ms. Kazuck waived her right to a jury, involved her plea of innocent by reason of mental disease or defect.
  30. Scientists say a new test for cystic fibrosis may be available within weeks, giving a major boost to the nascent genetic testing industry and paving the way for the first widespread screening for carriers of a genetic defect.
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