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 deadness ['dɛdnəs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 死, 死一样的状态, 无生气

    [ noun ]
    1. the quality of being unresponsive; not reacting; as a quality of people, it is marked by a failure to respond quickly or with emotion to people or events

    2. <noun.attribute>
      she began to recover from her numb unresponsiveness after the accident
      in an instant all the deadness and withdrawal were wiped away
    3. the physical property of something that has lost its elasticity

    4. <noun.attribute>
      he objected to the deadness of the tennis balls
    5. the inanimate property of something that has died

    6. <noun.attribute>

    Deadness \Dead"ness\, n.
    The state of being destitute of life, vigor, spirit,
    activity, etc.; dullness; inertness; languor; coldness;
    vapidness; indifference; as, the deadness of a limb, a body,
    or a tree; the deadness of an eye; deadness of the
    affections; the deadness of beer or cider; deadness to the
    world, and the like.

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