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 dark lantern 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. All colors, all of downtown, all the best, in the dark lantern, the actor with the call to step down at the moment.
  2. And then, when I had made an opening sufficient for my head, I put in a dark lantern, all closed, closed, that no light shone out, and then I thrust in my head.
  3. Mother Jondrette had opened it, and now remained in the corridor making a horrible, amiable grimace, which one of the holes of the dark-lantern illuminated from below.

dark lantern
[ noun ]
a lantern with a single opening and a sliding panel that can be closed to conceal the light

Lantern \Lan"tern\ (l[a^]n"t[~e]rn), n. [F. lanterne, L.
lanterna, laterna, from Gr. lampth`r light, torch. See
1. Something inclosing a light, and protecting it from wind,
rain, etc.; -- sometimes portable, as a closed vessel or
case of horn, perforated tin, glass, oiled paper, or other
material, having a lamp or candle within; sometimes fixed,
as the glazed inclosure of a street light, or of a
lighthouse light.

2. (Arch.)
(a) An open structure of light material set upon a roof,
to give light and air to the interior.
(b) A cage or open chamber of rich architecture, open
below into the building or tower which it crowns.
(c) A smaller and secondary cupola crowning a larger one,
for ornament, or to admit light; such as the lantern
of the cupola of the Capitol at Washington, or that of
the Florence cathedral.

3. (Mach.) A lantern pinion or trundle wheel. See {Lantern
pinion} (below).

4. (Steam Engine) A kind of cage inserted in a stuffing box
and surrounding a piston rod, to separate the packing into
two parts and form a chamber between for the reception of
steam, etc.; -- called also {lantern brass}.

5. (Founding) A perforated barrel to form a core upon.

6. (Zo["o]l.) See {Aristotle's lantern}.

Note: Fig. 1 represents a hand lantern; fig. 2, an arm
lantern; fig. 3, a breast lantern; -- so named from the
positions in which they are carried.

{Dark lantern}, a lantern with a single opening, which may be
closed so as to conceal the light; -- called also

{Lantern jaws}, long, thin jaws; hence, a thin visage.

{Lantern pinion}, {Lantern wheel} (Mach.), a kind of pinion
or wheel having cylindrical bars or trundles, instead of
teeth, inserted at their ends in two parallel disks or
plates; -- so called as resembling a lantern in shape; --
called also {wallower}, or {trundle}.

{Lantern shell} (Zo["o]l.), any translucent, marine, bivalve
shell of the genus {Anatina}, and allied genera.

{Magic lantern}, an optical instrument consisting of a case
inclosing a light, and having suitable lenses in a lateral
tube, for throwing upon a screen, in a darkened room or
the like, greatly magnified pictures from slides placed in
the focus of the outer lens.

Dark \Dark\ (d[aum]rk), a. [OE. dark, derk, deork, AS. dearc,
deorc; cf. Gael. & Ir. dorch, dorcha, dark, black, dusky.]
1. Destitute, or partially destitute, of light; not
receiving, reflecting, or radiating light; wholly or
partially black, or of some deep shade of color; not
light-colored; as, a dark room; a dark day; dark cloth;
dark paint; a dark complexion.

O dark, dark, dark, amid the blaze of noon,
Irrecoverably dark, total eclipse
Without all hope of day! --Milton.

In the dark and silent grave. --Sir W.

2. Not clear to the understanding; not easily seen through;
obscure; mysterious; hidden.

The dark problems of existence. --Shairp.

What may seem dark at the first, will afterward be
found more plain. --Hooker.

What's your dark meaning, mouse, of this light word?

3. Destitute of knowledge and culture; in moral or
intellectual darkness; unrefined; ignorant.

The age wherein he lived was dark, but he
Could not want light who taught the world to see.

The tenth century used to be reckoned by medi[ae]val
historians as the darkest part of this intellectual
night. --Hallam.

4. Evincing black or foul traits of character; vile; wicked;
atrocious; as, a dark villain; a dark deed.

Left him at large to his own dark designs. --Milton.

5. Foreboding evil; gloomy; jealous; suspicious.

More dark and dark our woes. --Shak.

A deep melancholy took possesion of him, and gave a
dark tinge to all his views of human nature.

There is, in every true woman-s heart, a spark of
heavenly fire, which beams and blazes in the dark
hour of adversity. --W. Irving.

6. Deprived of sight; blind. [Obs.]

He was, I think, at this time quite dark, and so had
been for some years. --Evelyn.

Note: Dark is sometimes used to qualify another adjective;
as, dark blue, dark green, and sometimes it forms the
first part of a compound; as, dark-haired, dark-eyed,
dark-colored, dark-seated, dark-working.

{A dark horse}, in racing or politics, a horse or a candidate
whose chances of success are not known, and whose
capabilities have not been made the subject of general
comment or of wagers. [Colloq.]

{Dark house}, {Dark room}, a house or room in which madmen
were confined. [Obs.] --Shak.

{Dark lantern}. See {Lantern}. -- The

{Dark Ages}, a period of stagnation and obscurity in
literature and art, lasting, according to Hallam, nearly
1000 years, from about 500 to about 1500 A. D.. See
{Middle Ages}, under {Middle}.

{The Dark and Bloody Ground}, a phrase applied to the State
of Kentucky, and said to be the significance of its name,
in allusion to the frequent wars that were waged there
between Indians.

{The dark day}, a day (May 19, 1780) when a remarkable and
unexplained darkness extended over all New England.

{To keep dark}, to reveal nothing. [Low]

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