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 dangerous ['deindʒrəs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 危险的

[法] 危险的, 危害的

  1. His dog looks dangerous.
  2. It's dangerous to be so near to the tiger.
  3. Many dangerous diseases are carried by insects.

[ adj ]
  1. involving or causing danger or risk; liable to hurt or harm

  2. <adj.all>
    a dangerous criminal
    a dangerous bridge
    unemployment reached dangerous proportions
  3. causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm

  4. <adj.all>
    a dangerous operation
    a grave situation
    a grave illness
    grievous bodily harm
    a serious wound
    a serious turn of events
    a severe case of pneumonia
    a life-threatening disease

Dangerous \Dan"ger*ous\, a. [OE., haughty, difficult, dangerous,
fr. OF. dangereus, F. dangereux. See {Danger}.]
1. Attended or beset with danger; full of risk; perilous;
hazardous; unsafe.

Our troops set forth to-morrow; stay with us;
The ways are dangerous. --Shak.

It is dangerous to assert a negative. --Macaulay.

2. Causing danger; ready to do harm or injury.

If they incline to think you dangerous
To less than gods. --Milton.

3. In a condition of danger, as from illness; threatened with
death. [Colloq.] --Forby. Bartlett.

4. Hard to suit; difficult to please. [Obs.]

My wages ben full strait, and eke full small;
My lord to me is hard and dangerous. --Chaucer.

5. Reserved; not affable. [Obs.] ``Of his speech dangerous.''
--Chaucer. -- {Dan"ger*ous*ly}, adv. --
{Dan"ger*ous*ness}, n.

  1. Fog brings fear for some residents of this central Florida mining town, where state officials have measured nine releases of dangerous ammonia or sulfur oxides from nearby chemical plants since 1987.
  2. "This is an extraordinary, record-breaking flood and is very dangerous.
  3. In resorts where the groomed runs are at their most dangerous, skiing off-piste with a qualified guide can be a safer option.
  4. Federal officials knew that workers at the Nevada Test Site were exposed to dangerous levels of radiation from nuclear bomb blasts in the 1950s and '60s, according to government records cited by The New York Times.
  5. The most dangerous moment of the flight, Golovanov wrote, came when Armstrong took manual control of the module for the final descent.
  6. Pakistan Radio broadcast appeals for missing people, and Prime Minister Mohammad Khan Junejo ordered the removal of dangerous ordnance from populated areas.
  7. Her hair was dusky red, like a fire under control, but still dangerous.
  8. The CDC recommends that needles, scalpels and other sharper objects that come in contact with blood and other potentially dangerous body fluids be disposed of in puncture-resistant containers.
  9. Others say it's downright dangerous.
  10. What is more, he has been attacked by doctors and scientists who say it's unethical, and possibly dangerous, to sell treatments not yet shown to work.
  11. The judge also will consider allowing the plaintiff in the Newark, N.J., case to see another 1,489 memos and transcripts that allegedly show tobacco companies knew smoking was dangerous but kept the information from the public.
  12. The shuttle Atlantis also was found to be free of dangerous hydrogen leaks during a tanking test last month.
  13. Turning off lights at public gatherings and failing to repair a house that is dangerous to passersby, or a structure that may fall over, will draw also fines.
  14. 'I want to stress, however, that I am not putting dangerous substances of any kind into my body, other than mass quantities of Norwegian beer, because I want to remain alert now that Tonya Harding is finally here.
  15. But labor leaders contend that, even amid such defeats, correcting dangerous workplace conditions and helping workers win back pay in wage-and-hour cases promote the perception that a union can still have a concrete impact on the workplace.
  16. "The business of raising your eyebrows and saying, 'Golly gee whillikers, it's Gallo,' is dangerous because it just tends to reinforce questions and nervousness," says one ad executive familiar with Gallo.
  17. Those in Romania who are finally resisting Ceausescu tyranny are facing a long, difficult and dangerous task.
  18. Heidegger did not see how dangerous Hitler was.
  19. Many women who could not afford that option would likely resort to the illegal and dangerous methods that prevailed prior to the Supreme Court's 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision, which restricted the right of the states to outlaw abortion.
  20. Although the U.S. military restricts the combat roles of the women, they still come in for their share of difficult and even dangerous work.
  21. The cracks on Atlantis were too small to cause trouble, but if such cracks widened and split the bearing assembly, it could be dangerous, National Aeronautics and Space Administration officials said.
  22. Authorities had considered him armed and dangerous, saying he threatened to kill a federal judge, a leading Drug Enforcement Administration inspector and several witnesses who testified against him during his Texas trial.
  23. FBI agents have bungled dangerous situations and heightened potential danger to the public.
  24. The crackdown was generally tolerated and to some extent supported by newspaper editorials and the public, which views the students' demands for immediate reunification as naive and dangerous.
  25. The case that even low levels of lead are dangerous is based on a study that found that the IQ test scores of children with slightly elevated blood lead were a few points lower, on average, than those of children with very low blood lead.
  26. Melanin also blocks some of these In contrast, the sunglasses and sunblocking lotions currently on the market block only the most dangerous part of ultraviolet light, although some newer products are promoted as "blue blockers."
  27. In the brain, even a mild leakage can be dangerous and damaging.
  28. Regardless of its outcome, this war will create a sharp, dangerous new schism in the Arab world.
  29. 'If the telecom staff are going to come from a non-railway background with no knowledge of signalling it is potentially very dangerous,' said an RMT official.
  30. Because the hits are usually within minutes of takeoff or landing, they can be dangerous.
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