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 damsel ['dæmzәl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 少女, 闺女

  1. The damsel came from India.
  2. He was fawning on a damsel with soft words.
  3. The damsel came from India.

[ noun ]
a young unmarried woman

Damsel \Dam"sel\ (d[a^]m"z[e^]l), n. [OE. damosel, damesel,
damisel, damsel, fr. OF. damoisele, damisele, gentlewoman, F.
demoiselle young lady; cf. OF. damoisel young nobleman, F.
damoiseau; fr. LL. domicella, dominicella, fem., domicellus,
dominicellus, masc., dim. fr. L. domina, dominus. See {Dame},
and cf. {Demoiselle}, {Doncella}.]
1. A young person, either male or female, of noble or gentle
extraction; as, Damsel Pepin; Damsel Richard, Prince of
Wales. [Obs.]

2. A young unmarried woman; a girl; a maiden.

With her train of damsels she was gone,
In shady walks the scorching heat to shun. --Dryden.

Sometimes a troop of damsels glad, . . .
Goes by to towered Camelot. --Tennyson.

3. (Milling) An attachment to a millstone spindle for shaking
the hopper.

  1. Attending an evening of ballet, Pat gets so frazzled seeing a slave girl whipped by a lusty Chinese warlord (Kissinger in slight disguise) that she leaps to the stage to rescue the damsel.
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